
Thursday, April 14, 2016

WIP - Another farmhouse for Bolt Action

Been breaking out the styrofoam again and have another building on the go. A little more ambitious this time, a two story farmhouse, with two seperate levels and removable roof. 


Balsa for floors, matchsticks for windows, card for roof. Just need to card shingle the roof now and then on with painting. A door and chimney pot will complete the build. 

Will post more when finished. 


  1. This is a superb build Scott, looking forward to the updates.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous work mate! Can't wait too see it with some paint on.

    If I were you I'd be a bit worried about the chimney though. Looks a bit thin and open to getting knocked off...

    1. Yeah I did wonder if I had made it too tall???

  3. Extraordinary, splendid, really great work, Scott.
    As Michael I'm looking forward to the updates very much.


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