
Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sixth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge

Its that time of year, and once again I find myself taking part in the annual painting frenzy that is Curt's wonderful Painting challenge. 3 months of painting figures commencing 20th December and ending 20th March, or there abouts...

I must confess my blogging, painting and hobby time has taken a dent this year, with new time pressures of work, and that will continue through the challenge. Plus the fact my folks are visiting from the UK in January so that will put a further dent in my available painting time... but I will plod along and see what I can get done...

I have a side challenge lined up with fellow challenge compatriot; Ste. We are going to see who can get the most LOTR stuff done, and then have some kind of final duel game at the end using all the models we've painted... should be interesting...

So I've managed to get a reasonable amount of stuff prep'd, and its not just LOTR stuff, there's some FoW stuff too... a mix of old and new... trying to get paint on LOTR stuff that has sat in my stash for several years of collecting and trying to get some newly acquired things done too.

I do also have something that still needs assembling and hope to be able to complete it before the end of the challenge... a small clue... starts with an 'S'... ends in a 'G'... will be interesting to see how Curt scores it! ;-)

And so without further ado, I wish all participants the best of luck, and must now wonder what am I doing here... there's painting to do today... once I get back from movies and seeing Star Wars!


  1. Good Luck sir. I will start painting FOW stuff tis morning. Expect some on the challenge blog before the end of the week.

  2. Good Luck Scott, lets see how us Kiwi's can represent this year :)

  3. Wishing you the very best of luck Scott.

  4. I'm very worried about that thing that begins with an S.....!
    Good luck compadre, let battle commence

  5. Good luck to you as well Scott. I've been putting off a project of modifying a terrain piece with led's and was going to pick you brain. I go back and forth on whether or not to just paint OSL on it or not.

    1. Thanks , and to you.
      If I can help with LEDs query, I will. Also Dave Docherty (One man and his brushes blog) and Joe Harrison (Colonel o'truth blog), are also both good with LEDs...Cheers


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