
Wednesday, June 03, 2015

A Blogger, interrupted...

Dear all,

I would just like to announce that there have been some major goings on affecting 'Bowman Towers' of late... or at least, affecting the 'funding mechanism', keeping Bowman Towers going!

My wife and I have bought our own business together, as we advertised in the local newspaper... as pictured below...

This has been a rapid event, taking 2 months from start to finish, and we feel our feet have hardly touched the ground... getting this all done, in time for the agreed hand over date.

Tuesday was our first day at the helm so to speak, and it has been a bit of a jump in the deep end for us as we get to grip with systems and practices in the business, the computer system in particular, causing me some angst as its one I havent used for 9 years...

This business is also noticeably busier than the one that I have been manager of, prior to this venture.

Now I'll be quite honest here, the last place I was at, was fairly 'cruisy'... and there was certainly spare time to interact with 'social media' in all its various forms... Well the rude shock to my poor little bloggers mind, is that this is likely to come to an abrupt halt, at least until I get the new place figured out...

So, I guess what I am saying is... my blogging output will take a serious dent in the forth coming months, as will my attendance and perusal of your own blogging efforts... I may have time for the odd 'Facebook-like' or 'Google+1'... but that may be it for some time to come...

So I must apologise for my enforced web absence... but rest assured I'll still be in the background beavering away on hobby matters when I get a spare moment... and hope normal service will resume in the not too distant future...


  1. Congratulations Scott, and good luck with your new business.


  2. Congratulations and good luck! Hope you have time to blog again soon. Cheers, Karl

  3. Good luck. It could be worse, you could have more time to blog. Nothing better than a busy business.

  4. A hearty congratulations to you and your lovely wife on this new and impressive venture! Don't worry 'bout the blogging as getting a handle on your business is paramount. I'm sure down the line you'll have it wired like you did at your previous place.

  5. Congratulations to you and Tracey. I will look forward to what blogs you can put up, but know that life has to come first.

  6. Congrats and good luck. We'll be waiting for the next update and in the meantime I'll try to achieve your skill level in painting. Fat chance!

  7. Good luck with the business (and blogging when you get the time).

  8. best of luck with the new venture

  9. Real Life comes first. Hope things settle down soon and look forward to your return to the blogosphere!

  10. Hey, congratulations! Blogging, and hobby stuff generally, is obviously of secondary importance.

  11. Congratulations and best wishes with the new venture!
    What a great way to celebrate your decade in Aotearoa

  12. Good luck with the new business

  13. Nice one Scott, good luck in the new venture!!!!

  14. Don't worry about your blogging we won't forget you. Buying a pharmacy is a zombie apocalypse prepping strategy I hadn't foreseen but its a good one. Seriously good luck in your new adventure.

  15. Congratulations on going with this endevour! I still am amazed how much hobby you manage to get in your life - with wife and kids and life in general, and now this! If I ever come to NZ I'll make sure to get all my drugs from you! ;) (I do have plans on going to Aussieland within two years - just need that 2800 GBP defacto-visa first, haha!)

    I sincerely hope you will manage to get a post or two in between, it is always a pleasure to stop by scottswargming. I wish you all the best!

  16. Congratulations and all the best with your new business

  17. Nooooooo Scott! don't leave us!

    All the best with the new adventure!

  18. Congratulations Scott and Tracey! I wish you both all the best with this exciting endeavor.

  19. Good luck with everything to both of you

  20. Working instead of blogging! Where are your priorities at?!?! You've changed... :-)

    In all seriousness though, hope you get settled in ok. Drop me a line when you get a chance to surface for air! Good luck :-)

  21. No worries , it's great news and whilst I hope to see you back to your old pace again, I can live without it if it means your doing well :-)


  22. Good Luck Scott. I'll remember to ask you to bring the pain killers for the Sunday morning when we are up in Palmy for Panzershreck. You can bring the scotch too :)

  23. Congratulations! I suspect that this will be the only pharmacy in town with pots of paint arranged in the nail polish displays...

    "...And something for the weekend sir?" (opens drawer beneath counter to reveal a selection of sable brushes and Perry boxed sets)
    ; )
    All the very best to you and your good lady wife - I look forward to your return to the blogosphere in due course!

    1. You know, funnily enough I was actually seriously contemplating this, as all the local hobby stores closed down... I had pondered having a hobby section on the side, space allowing... we'll see ;-)

    2. That is a brilliant idea! Not that I'm going to support you, being on the wrong side of the earth and all, but it would:1, make your little shop a local hobby hub. 2, give you a chance to introduce new people to the hobby and 3, allow you to buy your toys cheap!

    3. Yeah, the perks of stock holding were not lost on me ;-)

  24. Congrats mate! Here's hoping everything works out for you both.

  25. Congrats! Wish you the best on your new adventure!

  26. Best of luck with the new enterprise!

  27. Good Luck Scott!

    Are you going to make it to Panzerschreck this year? I'm thinking I'd like to organize an NZ gamers meet up and interviews for our new podcast: Behind Enemy Lines. I'd like to talk with you about LOTR if you can spare some of your busy time!

    1. I am hoping to, have a team proposed with mate Bryan, going krauts, Inf + Panzer... Sure I'd be happy to have a natter about LOTR :)

  28. Well done Scott! Officially a drug dealer now :P

  29. Great news and hope it all goes well. Busy can be good. Especially when it's your business.
    Have lots of fun and make lots of Moolah along the way.

  30. Well you have to pay the bills! Good luck to you both getting through it all and making it all you want it to be

  31. Congratulations to you both on your new venture. Good Luck guys :D

  32. I'll join the throng and wish you all the best for the new business (always interesting to find out what fellow gamers do for their bread and cheese)......the blog and toys will be waiting there when you have time.

  33. Congrat's Scott! Best of luck for this venture to you and Tracey!

  34. Congratulations to you both, hope everything settles quickly and good luck in your new venture.

    Cheers, Ross

  35. We're sure to drop by the next time we're at the beach mate (convince Tracy that those hobby supplies are a good idea! !!)

    1. We've survived our first week, jings its been manic, but what a rush! We've barely got our heads out of the dispensary... hoping to take a proper look at retail shortly... :)

  36. Hola Scott,

    Me alegra tu nueva adquisición, espero que Dios bendiga el negocio y que puedas disfrutar de él! en cuanto a la página, espero verte muy pronto por aquí con tus grandes miniaturas compañero

    Un saludo!

  37. May I offer you my heartfelt sympathy old chap, you'll find yourself to be the toughest boss in the world to work for....just kidding fantastic news for you both. May your new venture be prosperous and fun.

    1. Thank you Sir, ... I seem to have the funds now to visit you fine chaps down in the South Island, but sadly no longer the time... how things change! ;-)

  38. Congrats!!! May you and your wife enjoy success and prosperity in this new venture.


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