
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Last Turks finished...

Painting continues apace here at 'Bowman Towers'... My last batch of Turks finished tonight... I got these done in just under a week... thats pretty damned quick for me, but I don't feel my butt has left the painting table... other than to sleep, and go to work!

... again I went with that 'on-campaign' mix of shades and tones...

That's 40 figures I have managed to get done so far now, ...I just need to finish the 10 kiwi casualties I have left to do, and hope to finish those over the weekend...

Taking a break for rest of tonight, have hired The Hobbit - Battle of Five Armies on DVD for an evenings family viewing and a return trip to Middle-Earth :)


  1. Brilliant. They look superb Scott.

  2. Very nice Scott with some great dusting on the leggings.


  3. Very nice work! Congrats on finishing one milestone in the effort!

  4. Looking good mate. I'm amazed your had to hire that. Surely you own everything in the series?

    1. Thanks :) The Hobbit3 had only just been released here... :)

  5. Marvelous! Still haven't seen The Battle of Five Armies. Not out here until April 20th...


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