
Thursday, March 05, 2015

Jeeves and Mortimer - Gents with Shotguns for Empire of the Dead.

To break up the slog that has been finishing 12 Riders of Rohan (nearly done now), I have been slipping the odd EotD figure into the painting queue... sometimes you just want to paint something different for a mo'...

So I have managed to get another couple of Empire of the Dead Gentlemen to add to my Sons of Empire Faction; the Pall Mall Patrons... I give you, Jeeves and Mortimer... seemed good names for a duo...

Here they are guarding the entrance to the Cemetery, with shotguns loaded..., one double barrel, the other pump action?

Shotguns are useful in the game as they ignore the terrain cover modifiers for shooting... oh, you're hiding behind that hedge? Boom! Ha Ha!

I only have two more Gents to paint up now... both with volleyguns :)

But they may have to wait... as I have just taken delivery of another shipment of 54mm Gallipoli figures on Friday, and I have recently been reminded, the deadline for completion is actually the end of March! Eek!!

Back to Jeeves and Mortimer, and hopefully these two figure may see me reach my 600pt target for the AHPC, earlier than expected, thanks to the bonus points for the Bonus theme rounds... so I suppose I better add to my target... there's still points to come for the Comedic bonus round, and I hope (or need!) to get 20 more 54mm figures done for end of March, so lets bump the target up to 900pts and see if I can get near it!

Fingers crossed!

Keeping an eye on the various painting deadlines I have at the mo';... 20th March for AHPC, and end of March for Gallipoli stuff... I have decided to try and get my outstanding 12 Riders of Rohan finished off. Finished the paintjobs on Tuesday night and got them all varnished last night. Just basing to do now which I'll hopefully finish tonight. I'm also halfway through doing my 'Curtgeld' AntiHero due by Saturday, so will hopefully finish that off over next couple of days too.

After that, its probably Turks all the way till the end of March... though I may slip the odd thing in, in between... if I have time and inclination!


  1. They look great, Scott. Very crisp and cleanly painted.

  2. Elegantly dressed gents, or brutal thugs with shotguns! I'm going to have to draft in a few rifles to protect my Ironmen.
    They're splendid, I'll have to get you to show me how you do eyes!

  3. Elegantly dressed gents, or brutal thugs with shotguns! I'm going to have to draft in a few rifles to protect my Ironmen.
    They're splendid, I'll have to get you to show me how you do eyes!

  4. Oh goody, more guns! :-)

    They look great, nice dash of colour with the purple. I shall look forward to meeting them across the table top some time.

    1. More guns indeed! Whats a fine gentleman to do without his gun whilst out for a stroll after all? ;-)

  5. Nice looking chaps. And good luck on your deadline!

  6. They look brilliant, Scott. And good luck on the deadlines!

  7. Jeeves and Mortimer! Brilliant! Lovely subtle shading on these!

  8. Excellent work on these chaps Scott!

  9. Very nice job on these fellows - the setting looks great, too! Congrats!

  10. Nice work Scott! Great looking figures. I've got 2 of the Gentlemen left myself too :)

  11. Great work Scott. I particularly like the colour transition on the black bowler hat.


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