
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Turkish Progress...

One week later and I have the 10 figures assembled and based coat painted...

I would have been a bit further on but wasted a couple of days trying to decide on paint colours to use...

Whilst there was a prescribed paint scheme to follow I couldn't source some of the colours; Ushabti Bone being the most difficult to find...

The local Toyworld recently closed down and that had been my goto place for GW paints... Wellington is next nearest option for GW , but its 50kms away and I don't honestly get down there that often... I don't work in the big city and actually commute the opposite way each day to work...

So that left mail order... sadly GW now has absolute rip off pricing for mail order delivery; $20 for delivery - ridiculous! To put that in perspective I just ordered a pot of vallejo paint for another project, from the UK, and that was supplied airmail for £2.15 ... So I wasn't going with the GW Mail order option...

The next options were mail order companies here in NZ with MightyApe and LiveWire and a couple of others I looked at,... but they either didn't stock the colour, or it was a specialist order item and would take 2-3 weeks to arrive, or was only available as part of a boxed set of paints...

When this project was first proposed I did worry that paint supply would be an issue (100 painters all in NZ, all ordering the same colours at the same time) ... oh well, best foot forward now...

So in the end I decided to just press on with the colours I had from my mix of GW, Foundry and Vallejo paints...

And thus, rather than slavishly following the prescribed colours I went with this picture from the Mustering the Troops blog header as my colour guide...

So here's what I have managed so far...

The colours I have used are:
GW Cadian Fleshtone
GW Mournfang Brown for Boots,Belts, Straps and Rifle Straps
GW Boltgun for Rifle Barrels and metallics
Foundry 12B Drab for Trousers and Hats
Foundry 7B Leather for Tunics, Puttees (lower leg strapping), and Water Bottles.
Foundry 14B Tan for Rifle Wood

They still need a little tidying up, then shade washing, and highlights...
I do have the required shade washes of Agrax Earthshade, and Reikland brown wash... so that should all work out OK...

So a few more days work should see them finished off over the weekend I hope, then ready for the next batch...


  1. Nice one! The ones I have are all posed like your guy on the far right. How did you find the assembly? Mine look like they will require some 'persuasion' to get the hands to fit into the arms.

    1. Thanks Tim... I used Araldite quick set, just got to hold it in place for about 90sec and sets enough to let go then, or use blutac to hold in place... I did find one hand position on one of the models was a bit short and had to have a plug of GS to fill the void and make a 'wrist'...

    2. I used blutac too. Worked okay.

  2. They're looking great, Scott. Not familiar with Turkish uniforms, but they look like the example you used. The figures themselves are nicely posed - animated, yet realistic.

  3. Those are looking very nice Scott.

  4. Thanks for the information about the paints you used. I am hoping to find some similar colours to the guide. I did find the Tamiya spray cans were easy enough to buy locally.

    1. No worries Darcy - we've sadly lost all our bricks and mortar stores here on the Coast ... the internet can be good for somethings but it seems to have hurt some local stores...

  5. I should mention that the guy in the header is just a copy and paste from one in the Turkish painting guide. I know, because I did it! In the guide, you can maybe blow up the original picture to see it a bit better.

  6. He is Fig 6 in this painting guide:

  7. Very nice work there Scott. Managed to undercoat mine tonight.

  8. I'm coming up to Raumati on Sunday and could bring up a package of stuff for you if you like.

    1. No worries Dan , but thanks for the offer, I think I'm OK for the time being... :-)

  9. Looking good Scott. I bet you get through a bit more paint that usual with the larger figures too, so you don't want to run out half-way through and have to make a second order for some obscure colour!

    1. Yes I did wonder at the amount of paint I'd get through...! Will have to keep an eye on it as I am going on with it...

  10. This is a very cool project, and it looks like you are cracking away at it. 40 figures in that scale sounds daunting, but you seem to have the recipe down.

  11. Nice paint job on the Turks Scott,You might take a look at this link
    I found to lots of colourised pics from WWI.Lots of ANZAC troops in there as well

    1. Nice link, certainly brings the period more 'to life'...

  12. Nice job Scott it will be interesting to see how all the figures look together because there is quite a mix of colours even when using the ones they said

  13. I diorama this big, with so many painters, will have all sorts of variety and that's a good thing. Your figures look great so far. Very exciting project.


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