
Thursday, January 08, 2015

The Dweller in the ... Fridge?

This blogpost title could also be called "Finecast Fail"...

My Dweller in the Dark that I completed a little while ago, has enjoyed his first round of summer weather here at Bowman Towers in the Games-room display cabinet....

Which resulted in a serious droop in posture... basically he bent at the lower leg/ankle position, and drooped forward, till his outstretched arm was touching the ground and it looked like he was trying to lick the floor.

He wasn't in direct sunlight at all, but the room does get rather hot in the summer here in 'kiwiland'.

Not Good!

Thankfully, I was able to remedy his sorry state, with a bowl of bowling water... dipping the base in for a few seconds was enough to bend the legs back into the correct position, then a swift dip in cold water set things nicely.

Thankfully this didnt have any adverse effect on the basing, paint or varnish...

But now, to prevent this happening again, he now lives in the beer fridge in the games room, instead of the display cabinets...

The Dweller in the Fridge! (top left)...
Lets just hope he leaves the beers alone, otherwise I fear to think what his dice rolls will be like in the future...

GW take note - you need to design a material that will withstand more than British summers!


  1. You wouldn't want this happening to too many figures! No figure cabinets just fridges!

  2. That's definately a problem that would be unheard of here in Finland :) Still a nice solution for storage :) Now there's something else to look at apart from just beer bottles

  3. Good to see you beverages are now properly protected!

    Where are all the Monteiths? :-)

    1. LOL, I get these cheap... for chilling on a hot summer day...

      But I prefer dark beers, stouts, and Monteiths indeed do a nice one!

  4. He's in good company... it might make him more convivial...

    Or maybe he's an angry drunk... ?

  5. Good grief! I'd heard stories of them melting but didn't believe it. What sort of temperature are we talking about? It's not like you live in Arizona!

    Usually I am just envious of the figures on your blog but now I am really, really envious of your beer fridge!

    1. I havent measured it, but we probaby nudged up somewhere between ~25-30°C...?

      In fair ness the model is very top heavy but has thin spindly legs, so it was no surprise from the rumors I had heard about Finecast... I recently got a bunch of Guards of the Galadrim Court and Dol Amroth Pike men, both in finecast and I am wondering whether the pikes are likely to droop once the figures are assembled, so do I need to replace with metal pikes?

  6. I'm just getting visions of this happening to the massive finecast Smaug after someone drops $500 and two months assembling/painting him...

  7. It would have become a puddle here in Darwin, Oz I think. Cheers

  8. That fridge would be empty after a night's gaming with my group, Maybe we should do a "post your gaming fridge" round of pics.

  9. If it wasn't for the poor state of your finecast, I might be envious! That really isn't good enough, come on GW.

  10. Glad he's fixed and found a nice place to chill out!

  11. I hope your Dweller says, "yeah, nah." Else next time you open that fridge, there'll be no more beersies for me, 'cause he'll have drunk them all.

    1. "Yeah, nah" made me laugh out loud Roly. Only an Aussie or Kiwi would really get that :-)

  12. I really need to come up to your place and raid your fridge...... I need a new dweller! (And I need to give Roly his book back)

    Seriously though I'm glad I've kept an eye on your finecast adventures as I'm sure I'd have lost the plot with the stuff by now. It's a good job you're patient and a half decent hobbyist :-)

  13. I had a very similar problem with my Dweller. I think you took the better approach to fixing him, I cheated a bit with my solution, and basically used a prop to keep him uproght ;P You can see mine at the link below

    I am rather envious of your fridge though, mine isn't nearly as big or as well stocked :)


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