
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Empire of the Dead - Nosferatu Faction - Thrall with "Big Gun"

A recent return to Empire of the Dead gaming, having enjoyed painting up Baskerville earlier, has had me slotting a few extra models in the main painting queue...

One such extra is this Nosferatu Faction Thrall... another small entry to the Painting Challenge...

I kept the colour palette dark and drab as befits his sinister background.

The eyes were a little tricky being right up against his face-concealing scarf/mask.

He is wielding an enormous Steampunk/VSF gun, that looks something like a ManPacked Gatling gun, or may be a Volleygun. Either way it can lay down some serious fire-power to assist and support the close combat orientated Nosferatu faction.

And if the action still gets a little too close to home for him...

...he has a rather nicely slung sword and scabbard across his back...Drop the big gun, draw the sword, and we're in business!

More to come...


  1. Nice!
    Missing Middle earth already? :-)

    1. Still busy working on 12 Riders of Rohan... just slotted a few EotD in between... keeps things interesting and varied :)

  2. Very nice. I bet that gun has a mean kick.

  3. Just because your a vampire does not mean you can not enjoy a little bit of firepower.

  4. Like the colour choices! Nice to see some more EotD but I love Rohan so can't wait for those!

  5. Very nice indeed mate. You surprised me entering something without the words "Lord" or "Rings" in it. :-)

  6. Nice one, Scott. Well-armed and well-painted.

  7. Yikes! That gun looks nasty, as I'm sure I'll find out the hard way! Great job getting the eyes done, looks like a very tricky bit of detail.

    1. Thanks Paul, I'm intrigued to give the weapon a go sometime :-)
      Yes thanks they were darn fiddly, fine brush, lots of cursing! ;-) Worth doing though I think on skirmish troops... I have always had this worry that if you don't do the eyes they are more likely to miss when shooting! ;-) Gamer paranoia and all that!

  8. Lovely job Scott. Your erm squirming with the other half was hilarious on facebook!

    1. LOL... there are certainly problems sometimes when you promised the other half that you'll only do LOTR from now on... especailly when she 'discovers' facebook after ignoring it for years... ;-)


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