
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Fellowship on Durin's Causeway

I've had a few requests for pictures of the LOTR model figures on the Causeway terrain piece, so I set up a scene and had a go at photographing it...

I have to say, its quite a tricky thing to photograph well...

The first few pics are with fill-in flash...

The next few are the true night time shots, no flash, and where I have tried tweaking the exposure... enough so you are not blinded by the light of the fires, and yet no so dark that you can't see the figures... Tricky work I can tell you... tripod and timer function a must for this... and patience!

These are the best pics I managed tonight...

I hope you enjoyed them and they give you an idea of scale with the models featured on the terrain piece...

Now just have to actually play a game on it!


  1. First chance Ive had to check out my favourite blogs for a while and WOW...what a treat for the eyes. Fantastic work Scott. Love the night shots and the flame effect.

  2. Darn you sure don't realize how big that is until you put some figures on it for scale. Brilliant stuff!

  3. Superb modelling skills Scott! Stunning terrain piece!

  4. Very amazing piece! Legendary gaming achievement right there sir ... well done ... well done!!

  5. Amazing - all that hard work really paid off Scott!
    The lighting effects really take this to another level.
    It would be brilliant to play a game by candlelight and those effects alone

  6. Very cool, Scott. Nice to see how well planned your terrain piece is made with the figures about it. The fire looks great too!

  7. That is an absolute feast for the eyes Scott. Excellent job my friend you have truly excelled yourself with this one!

  8. This is sooo cool! Thank you Scott, excellent job!

  9. They are really detailed 2mm figures you have - wait what they NOT 2mm figures arrrggghhhhh

    Wow still sums this up.

  10. There should be some sort of award for building something like this.

  11. Got my nomination for blogging wargaming project of the year. :)

  12. Very cool , best set piece of terrain I have seen !
    Love the Troll on the steps, and goblins on sides
    Well done Scott

  13. Thanks all again guys, much appreciated :)

  14. Putting your figures on it gives a real scope of how big it is! Wonderful!!


  15. Wooooww!! Congratulations Scott, Someday we will have to play on that stage :P

  16. Ohhhh wow. That is fucking amazing Scott. Bloody well done mate! You hit it out of the park on this project.

    1. LOL! Thanks Curt, though I may have to censure your comment for profanity! ;-)

    2. I apologize - I'm a consummate and irrepressible vulgarian - one of my better traits I've been told (I wonder what the bad ones are).

      Still, sodding amazing stuff mon ami. :-)

    3. LOL! Since it's you Curt , I'll let you off! ;-) Thanks again!

  17. With the miniatures in place, all the little nooks and crannies you put in place for goblin archers are very plain to see. Very well done and thanks for a look with figures in place.


  18. Still love it. I wish I had some advice for you about the exposure to compensate for the lighting effects. I'll have to have a think about it.

    1. I'm using a Canon digital SLR (EOS1000D)... set it to P, then tried the differing exposure settings (-2 through to +2) to see what they came out like... with tripod and on 10 sec timer to avoid camera shake at these low light levels... its very trial an error...

    2. Hi Scott, I had to look up what the P value does for your camera. It looks like it sets the Shutter Speed and Aperture for you, while letting you change things like film speed, white balance and EV. One thing to do might be to take a look at the exif data for the photos and see which settings had a positive effect. I think that for low light you want your ISO at 100. I would also look at setting your Aperture, I like f16 but I'm sure it can be played around with. Shutter speed is something I'm still learning so I can't help you there, but perhaps a faster time will keep the bright lights from blowing out completely. I'll have to experiment.

    3. Thanks for the info Sean. I'll have a play about and see what I come up with. Cheers Scott

  19. Thanks again Guys, just hope Balin's tomb works out well now... all this Moria work - I'm going to have to finish off some more Moria themed stuff... I'm half way through painting a Dweller, and still have some Prowlers and Gundabads to paint up... and a shed load more plastic goblins... But I'll need to get some dwarfs done to counter these vile Moria inhabitants too...

  20. Impressive. Your terrain piece looks great. Congratulations Scott.


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