
Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Edward Kenway - Pirate Assassin

A brief return to the Seven Seas... and a certain video game inspired character; Edward Kenway, of Assassins creed 4 fame...

As mentioned earlier, this figure came to me as a fine gift from a fine fellow :)

I have painted him up in a colour scheme, matching as well as I could, the box cover art of the video game.

Armed to the teeth, as any good pirate or assassin worth his salt should be, with a brace of pistols and a pair of cutlasses... Arrrrrr shiver me timbers mate, they don't like it up 'em! ;-)

Here 'Eddie' leads his band of merry nair-do-wells, against a Royal Navy detachment at port...

... I'll admit I don't fully understand the plot of the video game... seems to be some odd mix of Avatar and Pirates of the Caribbean... some chap goes back in time from present day to the period era occupying an Avatar-like being and runs about killing people in his quest to find some required item...

No doubt my son will fill me in with the details if they are going to be relevant in our miniatures gaming!

Thanks again to the Legatus for the figure, much appreciated :)


  1. Great looking character - love seeing two swords wielded.

    1. Thanks Dean - yeah the two swords pose is cool, and oddly more menacing due to the fact they 'held low'!

  2. Excellent job! I really like the colour scheme!

  3. Beautiful brushwork Scott! Awesome figure!

    1. Thanks Rodger - another Pirate Captain figure if ever I saw one!

  4. Very nice work Scott. Love the colour scheme.

  5. Lovely job Scott. Weird I thought I had commented on this but nevermind.

  6. It certainly is a dynamic pose. I can see why you had to paint it!


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