
Monday, September 15, 2014

Durin's Causeway - Finished!

At long last I have finished Durin's Causeway. 

It's been a marathon journey, and as usual what seemed like a simple idea at the outset, grew and grew in the making...

Unsatisfied with how the suggested terrain looked in the Fellowship of the Ring Journey book, to play the game, I started making this to look more in keeping with the movie. It's still far from a perfect copy, and several things I did my own way, either for practicality or play-ability reasons.

I am more than happy with how it has turned out, though the amount of effort that has gone into building it, compared to how often I will actually get to play on it, plus I have still to figure out where to store and keep it, having yet to be resolved, has led me conclude this is most likely my folly! ;-)

However, I am still happy to have built it and will look forward to playing the FOTR scenario upon it :-)

Just to put things into perspective I have included the movie sequence which the terrain piece is derived from. It's an epic and iconic movie moment, and also gives perspective for any blog readers who are not fans of or simply have not seen the movie...

Here's how it looks under normal lighting and fill in flash photography...

And then some more atmospheric 'night-time' pictures. These took several goes to get right and I still think they are perhaps a little over-exposed but I haven't figured out how to reduce the exposure on my camera settings as yet. It took me all my time to get these to work at all!

Never the less, I hope you enjoy them...

I left this picture un-cropped, just to give you an idea of how big it is... its roughly 3' x 3' x 3', give or take a few inches...

The next terrain piece on my list of to-do's is to finish Balin's Tomb, which is actually for the scenario, before this one! Yes I know, I know, I should have made that one first, but oddly enough this one had given me most cause for concern so I had decided to tackle it head and get it out of the way first...

Ah well, that is part of the madness that goes on in my head! ;-)


  1. Oh my ! that is very impressive - VERY atmospheric ! , Tony

  2. That is one of the best piece of terrain I've ever seen! Very impressive, sir.

  3. High-quality terrain work, Scott! Looks like a movie set.

  4. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and inspired work!

  5. Absolutely stunning Scott. Very impressive work.

  6. This is simply amazing, probably one of your most ambitious projects yet. Congratulations!

  7. Another amazing terrain piece Scott. I can see that your gaming room is rapidly invading the garage :)

  8. Whoaah that is truly one epic piece of scenery! Stunning work all around! The LEDs on the fire effects are a really nice touch.

  9. Now that's one impressive examples of modelling Scott!


  10. wow - I really can't add anything more than that

  11. That really is quite something mate...

  12. Just superb. Great work Scott.

  13. As others said before, it looks like a movie set. Especially with the LED light on it just looks amazing. I assume you will mostly game on it in the dim lit gaming dungeon? Will be tons of fun. I think it was well worth the effort and should see plenty of use.

    For storage: Just install it in the living room as a permanent fixture replacing the floor lamp. Then you can also use it as a display piece for your Orc and fellowship miniatures. I guess I am halfway serious. If you place it against a wall or even in a corner I don't see why your significant other should have a problem. An impressive centrepiece for guests to marvel over (and to interest in the wargaming hobby).

    If you don't use the LED often, but rather plan on using it in daylight I would suggest to add a brown wash to give the stone parts more depth. 1 part matt varnish, 1 part water and about half a teaspoon brown pigment. I guess for this big a project you could make it more like a cup each ;). Another small detail that you could add is to dust some pigments over the causeway and steps to give it a more old and dusty look. Fix with pigment fixer.

    Anyhow, looks smashing as it is and these are only suggestions. Just love your built and hope one day I have enough (permanent!) space to make something as beautiful and epic as this.

    I am really looking forward to your next project, as I willsurely be able to get some good ideas and inspiration for my own Dungeon Crawl stuff (and guaranteed eye candy).

    Keep up the good work, your projects are definitely one of the best out there in the blogosphere!

    1. Thanks for your lengthy comment!
      I am currently in 'negotiations' with my better half as to where this is going to live ;) ...

      Could you elaborate on your suggestions? I presume by liquid matt varnish you mean something like Vallejo acrylic?
      Also I have not used pigments or pigment fixer before - can you offer a link to products you are referring to?

    2. Sure. I use Golden Polymer Varnish with UVLS (Matte). 237ml bottle costs 32 Dollars, so much cheaper than the Vallejo equivalent. I could see that a bottle of that with about 200 or 150ml of water would be enough to cover the model.

      The pigment fixer I use (and that actually works) is AK Interactive Pigment Fixer enamel fluid. If you use coarse sand to depict debris and dust you might be better off with the Gravel fixer, but the Pigment Fixer works very well with fine pigment pouders and pastels. Pastels are a cheaper option than the dedicated modelshop products and you can get a set of 40 shades or so.

  14. Thanks to you all for your kind comments and enthusiastic support - it really is very much appreciated after a long build! :)

  15. Absolutely stunning work Scott!

  16. Congratulations! Now we want a battle report...

  17. A wonderful piece. I look forward to seeing it with figures all over it.

  18. Bowman's folly indeed. I don't even know if there's a GW store in Wellington anymore however if there is maybe they could temporarily store it in the window? Obviously with a sign saying that they didn't build it, as corporate policy is to drop anything LoTR related as soon as the licence terms allow!

    1. LOL - there is still a GW in Wello, they're in the mall on Courtney place... I wonder if when that happens they''ll sell all remaining LOTR/Hobbit stuff off cheap??? ;-) I did ponder if they'll still keep producing the boxes of plastic figures...I wouldnt have thought those kinds of molds would where out...?

  19. This is insane!
    Amazing work Scott :D

  20. Some of those shots actually look like film stills! Quite extraordinary, as David Coleman would have said. Really, really looking forward to Balin's tomb - a more achievable project for us mere mortals!

    1. Thank you Sir :) Balins Tomb is going to be much smaller, and yet it has a lot of fiddly detail to it too... just hoping I can keep focus and get it done in a reasonable time frame...

  21. Absolutely fantastic! Not much more to say.


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