
Saturday, August 02, 2014

Gwaihir - The Windlord

Gwaihir the Windlord...

Good info here from LOTR wiki

A metal model I have had for some time, a bargain from ebay if I recall correctly...

I love the giant eagles, especially the way PJ has depicted them in the movies, the cinematography is just breathtaking... I love the scene, and music, as they fly the dwarves to safety in the first Hobbit movie... as they cross the mountains and drop down into the valley towards the Carrock, and air flow ruffles the feathers of their wings - its a wow moment!

In the game, Gwaihir will give the good forces a very helpful mobile 'unit' ... that is quite strong, without being over powering...

Also, theme wise its very easy to fit Gwaihir as a monster into your force, as he could be flying around anywhere over middle earth and be able to come to your aid at just about anytime, unlike an Ent which I always feel is a bit of a stretch thematically to get involved unless you are specifically fighting a battle at Isengard or Fangorn!

I look forward to trying Gwaihir out, alongside my forces for Good!


  1. Lovely work Scott. Very impressive looking model!

    1. I do like it, though am wary how the plastic flight stand will hold up... will need careful handling otherwise will easily snap!

  2. Great looking "eagle", Scott. The head particularly looks very well detailed, and painted of course. Base work is also very nice. Being a metal figure - it must be pretty weighty too. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. Thankfully its one model to get quick good results from washes and drybrushing, with a little extra time on the head and legs... yep metal and heavy, I hope the stand bares up well!

  3. Great work Scott! And I agree with the eagle scenes being magnificent! The stunning scenery showing in the movies has a tendency to help quite a bit also

  4. Very nicely done Scott. I always love Great Eagles no matter the game system theres just something about them that makes them just look so majestic.

    1. Thanks Simon, yep thats definitely the word... majestic!

  5. That is a beautiful piece of work, Scott.

    1. Thanks Michael... I am looking forward to eating some orcs with it!

  6. Very realistic painting and basing, Scott.

  7. That is a beautifully painted eagle. I especially like the colours of the beak, seem spot on to me. The fine edge highlightig you did to each feather really provides good contrast and makes the eagle pop even when seen only from a distance. The base is also very nicely done with a good variety of brushes.


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