
Wednesday, July 09, 2014

SouthFarthing Hobbits Ale Cart

South Farthing Hobbit Ale Cart finished! 

Time for a drink in celebration!

It comes in pints?

It's a minor conversion, based on a very old Bugmans Ale cart for the dwarf army for Warhammer Fantasy...from many years ago, probably late 80's I am guessing...

I took off the dwarf driver and disassembled the whole thing and striped it down with Simplegreen and Dettol... and started again...

"Oh you can search far and wide,
You can drink the whole town dry,
But you'll never find a beer so brown,
Oh you'll never find a beer so brown,
As the one we drink in our hometown,
As the one we drink in our hometown.
You can keep your fancy ales,
You can drink them by the flagon,
But the only brew for the brave and true.....
Comes from the Green Dragon!"

I used the seated pair of hobbits from the TreeBeard Mighty Ent set. I also filed down the Bugmans embossed name on the wagon top behind the hobbits, and trimmed the B to a S on the pony's rosette.
15amp fuse wire was added for the reigns.

I based it up on a DIY 60mm round  base from 3mm MDF and DAS clay...

Painting was fairly straight forward, the only tricky bit being the freehand 'Southfarthing' front and back of the barrel top header board. I glued the hobbits into place after I had done the front of the sign...The larger round circular base used in LOTR SBG, made for a rather nice little scenic base depicting a simple wagon way with grassy bushy boarders either side...

And the real Southfarthing Ale... as enjoyed at the Hobbiton Filmset at Matamata, indeed even at the Green Dragon pub!

Then bought afterwards and brought home with us too. Sadly the above is now empty but the bottle is charming and is rinsed and displayed :-)


In the game

This really was just a self indulgent build, as it has no stats in the game!

Really I made it as a scenic piece for my proposed Hobbiton build.

But I guess it could quickly be used as a scenario objective; to capture or rescue the wagon. No doubt Saruman's roving forces would be out looking to loot supplies for their growing army. Or maybe brigands around the borders from the Shire, or a raiding orc warband? There are many possibilities...

Or perhaps it could have a talismanic effect for Hobbit forces it is deployed alongside, giving them perhaps a boost to courage, and/or a bonus Standfast effect?

Looking forward to seeing it on the tabletop one way or another :-)


OK, back to the trolls and Warriors of Minas Tirith! ;-) ....


  1. It's a delicious meal for the first orcs who get their hands on it. That has turned out nice Scott.

    1. Thanks Robert! Yes I foresee a scenario with the hobbits trundling on their merry way as orcs and rangers fight it out behind them, as them continue, blissfully unaware ;-)

  2. Nice one Scott. Old Joseph Bugman would approve. After all, the Hobbits are Demi-Dwarfs. His other cart resides safely on my Darf dusty shelf with Jo and his Rangers. Have not seen action in a while.

    1. Thanks Herman :-) 'Demi-dwarfs'! The cheek of it! ;-) They're Halflings, Hobbits, shire-folk! ;-)
      I think its probably been 2 decades since my dwarf army saw action - hence this conversion and selling it off now, piecemeal - if you are interested in any of it, let me know...

  3. I am now looking forward to your Hobbiton board! A great start.

    1. Thanks Nate - I've got a lot of ideas for it...

  4. Cheers Scott ( pun intended), that has cheered me up no end! Its always nice to see some modeling just for the sake of it, and that has certainly turned out nicely and looks the part!

    How about it restoring lost fate points when within a certain distance as well as a courage bonus, we all know how much hobbits love a refreshing brew!

    1. Cheers indeed Ste!
      Many thanks. That's a very good idea - just have to figure out a fair points cost for it...

  5. Excellent work Scott. Really nice little model.

  6. Lovely work my friend, it has a great feel to it.

  7. Very nice Scott! Looks really cool!

  8. That is Excellent Scott very nicely done love 'SouthFarthing' across the back very neatly done.

    1. Many thanks Simon - that really was the tricky bit, and the front one was even more tricky as the rest of the model got in the way too, even with the hobbits out the way...

  9. Great to see it finished


  10. Wonderful vignette - the beer looks enticing!

    1. Many Thank Dean. They also did a dark stout type beer at the Green Dragon which was wonderful but sadly none was available in the giftstore when I got there. We did get the Gingerbeer though too for the kids...

  11. Awesome conversion. I love it!

  12. Lovely bit of kit Scott, great work!

  13. A great conversion, truly original and inspiring. You could add a small Old Toby tobacco Barrell under one of their arms, it would probably be difficult but would also look great. However that is just a suggestion, I can't praise you more highly, this is a great diaroma.

    1. Many thanks Anthony. An Old Toby barrel would have been a nice touch, had I thought about it earlier!
      Thanks again.

  14. awesome work Scott! that would make an awesome objective marker.


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