
Friday, July 04, 2014

Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown...

Found this fansite movie transcript, via I love this scene... its the best put down one liner I have ever heard! ;-)


[The Company rides their ponies through a muddy forest as it rains. They all look cold, wet, and miserable.]

[Dori:] “Here, Mr. Gandalf, can’t you do something about this deluge?”

[Gandalf:] “It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard.”

[Bilbo:] “Are there any?”

[Gandalf:] “What?”

[Bilbo:] “Other wizards?”

[Gandalf:] “There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards; you know, I’ve quite forgotten their names.”

[Bilbo:] “And who is the fifth?”

[Gandalf:] “Well, that would be Radagast, the Brown.”

[Bilbo:] “Is he a great Wizard or is he...more like you?”

[Gandalf looks slightly offended.]

[Gandalf:] “I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way. He’s a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always Evil will look to find a foothold in this world.”


So here may I present Radagast the Brown... the Limited Edition figure from the Starter Hobbit boxed set...

I never really knew how to imagine Radagast, but I think PJ has done a wonderful visualization of the character and the choice of Sylvestor McCoy for the role is inspired...

I loved the initial scenes as he tries to save Sebastian, as the spiders rampage over his home of Rosgobel...

As for the rabbit pulled sleigh, at first thought its utter nonsense, and yet it just works so well... about as far from the canon as you could get, but I love it, and have ordered the model... :-)

As for this model, its great to see what wonderful poses can be achieved using plastic - Yes its a plastic figure!

I used various references for colours choices, both painted versions I have seen in the Rulebook and websites and going off the movie companion book I have... I also kept the colour choices written down so when the sleigh arrives I can uses the same ones again!

In the game, Radagast plays much as he did before, under the new Hobbit rules, but can be upgraded to take both the sleigh and Sebastian - simply charming!

So, that marks the completion of the painting of all the figures from the Starter boxed set. It only leaves the Goblin town terrain, though I am not in a huge hurry to paint this, as I earlier made my own Goblin town setting...

So whats next? I am busy painting up the Trolls; Bert Tom and Bill, and have just about finished my Hobbit Ale Cart having added the reigns last night - fiddly but I got there in the end...

I am also trying to clear my painting table of a past partially completed project ; 34 Warriors of Minas Tirith... it was easy starting them off with a blast of silver from the airbrush but they have languished since - must get them finished for some scrapping in Osgiliath!

Stay tuned for more...


  1. Great job I really wasn't sure about the figure when it first came out. But having watched the movie recently he has a certain charm that has won me over especially his sleigh he rides.

    1. Many thanks Simon. I would agree, at first glance I wasn't so sure but it has grown on me immensely with repeated viewings :-)

  2. Splendid work indeed! That is really one of the best sculpts in the Hobbit range. As a character it's one of my favorites from the book and Peter Jackson really did make him stand out quite nicely.

    1. Many thanks, Couldn't agree more. He's fairly nondescript in the books... PJ has done a great job.

  3. I like Sylvestor McCoy in the role but I'm not a fan of the sleigh or costume. Your painting is one of the better versions of this figure I've seen.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Robert. Cheers Scott

  4. Wonderful job Scott, one of my favourite characters in the recent films.

  5. Brilliant job on Silvester. My one comment is that his face/hair are a bit too clean as he has a permanent matt of bird excrement down his face in the films :)

    1. Thanks Paul. It hasn't come out too well in the pics but I have painted some white flecks down that side of his beard...

  6. A wonderful minature brought to life with a wonderful paint scheme. Well done, Scott.

  7. Hmm... I may have to get that Hobbit Starter set after all... ;o)
    Although I have the version of Radagast made for the LotR:SBG game, there's something 'bombadilesque' about this interpretation that seems befitting for this archetypical 'RPG Druid' of the Istari.

    1. It's a great set, and compared the the rest of the range, not a bad price for what you get.
      Likewise I have the original GW Radagast, but obviously this model is now far more desirable ,and indeed charmingly "Bombadilesque" as you put it!


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