
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weekend work - Moria continued...

More work over the weekend, saw progress on my Moria terrain...

I managed to build up the rocks on back wall of causeway to right of stairs... polyfilla looks dark as its not fully dried yet... also, photo perspective may seem odd... I actually had it lying on its back while I worked on it, and photographed it that way, and have rotated the picture around - that's why the paint tin is upside down in the background ;-)

The side wall is undergoing more reinforcing and straightening still... that part of the build is becoming a bit of a nightmare! I am beginning to wonder whether I should even bother with it, but its one of those classic movie moments - seems a shame not to try and do it justice... I'll get there in the end I guess... this project is rapidly becoming known , at least to me, as 'Bowmans Folly'! ;-)

I should buy shares in Polyfilla!

Back to the Bridge of Khazad Dum board... and I finished making the chasm edge... with my DIY 'plaster cloth'

I made up more polyfilla, though quite runny with an excess of water, then also poured some PVA glue into the mix. I cut strips of crepe bandage and dunked them in the mix, keeping one end dry. This I hot glued to the top edge, then draped the wet cloth down over the chasm edge, going back over the dry top piece with more of the mixture to blend it all together. Strip by strip, I worked my way along both sides... a messy process but it worked and is strong.

I now want to texture up the surface of this chasm, and am thinking of breaking up more foam (or maybe also bark mulch chips) into tiny fragments - spraying the surface with thinned PVA, sprinkle the fragments on , then spray again with glue to seal, them maybe skim coat with thinned filla again if it needs it or just paint with sand textured paint... I'll have to try it out see how it looks...

I was looking long and hard at the rubber rock molds you can get from Woodland Scenics and other suppliers at my local hobby stores. They are rather pricey and you would need several different ones to avoid repeating the same rock over an over... hmmm ... I like the look of them, but...

I also got my Dwarrowdelf pillars finished and painted... I'll show them soon, after the Watcher in the Water Battle report, as would be about the right timing! ;-)

Further Moria activity included cutting out a base board for Balins tomb, and sketching out a plan of how to build up the walls and pillars on it... So I guess that will be more foam cutting this weekend...


  1. Oh, wow, this is going to look awesome!

  2. Excellent progress, I am enjoying watching this.

  3. Shaping up brilliantly Scott!

  4. Looking very nice Scott! You should get in touch with "Selleys" for a sponsorship deal!

  5. That's just shaping up great!!


  6. Really inspirational work - it's made me go ahead and try to tackle some more sectional terrain!

  7. This is starting to look phenomenal and I'm starting to hate you and your enormous work room.

    1. Many thanks LOL! In the nicest possible way of course! ;-)

  8. Making progress amidst all that polyfilla. Fun times.

  9. Seriously mate I spent 2 hours at work yesterday avo just reading through all of your terrain building posts. Simply fantastic stuff.

    1. LOL, I hope you enjoyed your afternoon! ;-) Many thanks John, its great to get such kind feedback. You'll have to come down sometime and check it out.

  10. You must be just about keeping your local hardware afloat all on your own mate...

  11. More great stuff Scott! Keep it up! :-)


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