
Saturday, June 07, 2014

The Watcher in the Water - custom scenario board finished.

Finally, managed to complete my Watcher in the Water terrain board... this kind of grew from a humble plan following the guide in the FOTR Journey book... But then I saw what effort Celevue had put into making his one on the The One Ring Forum... and remembering back to descriptions in the novel, I decided to expand my vision for the board...

I wanted to create the impression of a pretty sheer cliff face looming up, at the end of an old tree lined over grown path. If I recall correctly the region had become known as Hollin due to the holly trees that grew there and lined the path. I also wanted the stream to tumble down some smaller cliffs to the left of the path, and go on to fill a small lake or pool. This pool has washed away part of the path, revealing subsurface rocks and stones. The excess of water has also killed the trees whose position the pool has engulfed, so dead trees remain upright and also fallen and submerged through the pool.

Most of these features we don't see in the movie because it is set as a night scene, so the darkness means most of it was either simply not done, or couldn't be seen...

The board progressed well until I came to grief using some water effect products.... This had to be ripped off the board and other products researched and sourced, finally producing an effect I was after...

I have decided to show this fully illuminated, before we play the battle scene, as I am going to try some low lighting for the game to give it that night time quality...

So here's the board, I hope you enjoy the pictures.

The Doors of Durin...

Inscribed with Ithildin, which mirrors only star light and moonlight...

Speak Friend and Enter!....

And with the door open...

A better look at the stream and small waterfall

A close up of the water surface, also showing depth...

The stream, washing lighter silts through into the main pool...

Another water surface shot...

Reverse view from cliff tops...

Hopefully not too long now till we get round to playing the game!


  1. Absolutely wonderful model making Scott! Very well done sir!

  2. Well done indeed Mr Bowman, that board is a work of art. I hope you manage to play more games on it than just the scenario in the book.

    1. It is rather specific, but I guess, I can place other scenario boards alongside it to widen the scene in the future... in some ways this was a bit of a test build as it allowed me to try out several techniques I had learned watching Youtube videos from Woodland Scenics and TerranScapes for the vegetation and water effects...

  3. Wow, that looks great. That water looks amazing. However much pain you went through, it was worth it.

  4. That is a sensational build Scott and well done for revisiting the water after the initial set back. It reminds me that I've still need to patch my efforts last summer.

    1. Thanks Michael :-) If you want to do water then the two products you need to source are; 'Envirotex Lite' and 'Liquitex Gloss Gel Medium'. Best of luck!

  5. Wow. Just wow! What a wonderful piece!

  6. Scott that is simply marvelous. The water is superb. But two questions 1) The Doors of Durin have you drawn/etched on the design? 2) Whats on the opposite side of doors, a chamber filled with Dwarf Skeletons?

    1. Hi Mark, thanks :-)
      The Doors of Durin were done by printing out a scaled down black and white image downloaded from the 'net. I then painted over the black outline in silver paint then carefully painted grey in between these... see here for more:
      Sadly there's nothing but a black painted void on other side of the doors... I did ponder creating a chamber there, but felt it wasnt needed for the scenario... however it could become an addition on the to-do list once I get round to painting up my LOTR dwarves. Thanks for your interest.

  7. Absolutly beautiful, great work, love the water effect...congrats!

  8. This might be your best work yet Scott! Outstanding and well done!

  9. Fabulous work on this masterpiece of terrain, Scott. The water looks great, as does the rocky outcrop. Dean

  10. Bloody lovely stuff..look forward to the game...

    1. Thanks Dave, me too, though I fear it could be another harsh scrap for the Fellowship!

  11. That is fantastically awesome mate great job! You've really done yourself proud with it!

    1. Thank you very much Simon, must admit I'm rather please with how it came out in the end :)

  12. Jaw dropping good! This is a real treat.

  13. That just looks awesome Scott!


  14. The great work you do on these boards, amazing and well done


  15. Very impressive modelling that man!!!

  16. Pretty darn amazing! You really have nailed it with the water effect!

  17. Aboslutely beautiful board! Very very nice!

    Where are the trees from? They look very good and realistic!

    1. Thanks Mark - The trees were made from branching twigs from the garden - pulling bits from a bush that had blown down in a storm some time ago. I washed these in dark brown wash. I then glued some pieces of haberdashery crochet plastic mesh to them, and then 'Hobe-tac'-ed WS clump foliage to these.

  18. Lovely modelling Scott. That scene always gives me the creeps. Reminds me of the scene from 20,000 Leagues under the sea where James Mason (Captain Nemo) does battle with a giant octopus.

    1. Thanks Gav, ah yes good point - actually Chris and I were messing about with the Watcher Tentacles with our pirate gaming over the weekend, as the Kraken!

  19. Great job Scott, really turned out nice. Your attention to detail and research really show through.

  20. The water effect has come out really well. Very lifelike, with attention to detail like the silt being washed out into the pond.

  21. I know it's a gaming piece but it looks more like a diorama. it'll be good to see you taking the scenario however I'm already imagining a few others. what if the outcome of the warg attack was different and the fellowship was pursued to moria, maybe a few of Balins company survived to sally forth. How did gollum sneak past the watcher and goblins to get in? Lots of scenarios to dream up using it.
    PS: can a few of us borrow your time machine so we can finish a few projects!

    1. Thanks Ste. They're great ideas! LOL, Time Machine? - If only...! ;-)

  22. Wow that's impressive! I'd say you have out done yourself but I suspect you will do even more spectacular work on Durin's Causeway.

  23. For heaven's sake! That waterfall is brilliant and to model the silt being washed down is above and beyond!

  24. Wow what an excellent work!
    Especially Durin's door is top-notch and the waterfall...


  25. Holy cow! That is freakin' amazing work Scott. I soooo want to play on that!

    1. LOL! Many thanks Curt! Come to NZ for a visit sometime and you'll be most welcome to!
      BTW, your cowboy is winging his way to you now, many thanks, Scott.

  26. very very good job! well done!

  27. Damn, that is an amazing board. It's really beautiful.


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