
Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Blogging scene

After all the negativity that is sometimes attributed to social media, I am frequently pleased to find what a wholesome, vibrant and supportive community we hobbyists are...

Recent events of good fortune that have come my way, pretty much purely via blogging, and comments therein, which have lead to greater contact, despite often being 1000's of miles apart.... include...

Receiving a free of charge Golfimbul (Foot and Mounted) from Panagiotis with his great blog Dramatickatastases  ...all the way from Greece. Thanks again Panagiotis!

At the end of last year, I was the luckily selected recipient off a freebie handout from Leif, who hosts Figurfanatikern, of some PSC 15mm German half-tracks and pack of 15mm German infantry... these coming to me all the way from Iceland! Perfect for me to make some more Stummels with the conversion kits I had left over... Cheers Lief!

Earlier this year, on the back of a post about the 40th Anniversary of D&D, Millsy of the wonderful blog; Canister and Grape blog, got in touch and offered me his collection of old supplements for MERP (Middle-Earth Roleplay), for free! Millsy was sending from Australia to NZ, so I offered to pay the shipping costs via Paypal, and a wonderfully nostalgic pile of Middle-Earth RPG reading material arrived at my door shortly after! Many thanks Millsy!

Another fortunate event occured when I sought a model I needed for my LOTR Fellowship of the Ring campaign. This time success was made thanks to the Facebook Wargamers Buy Swap and Sell Group. A request here for the now discontinued mounted model of the WitchKing of Angmar, had a fine chap called Justin Whitney, come through with the goods, and a deal was arranged :-) Result! Cheers Justin!

The most recent event, was thanks to Tim Kulinski, author of The Legends of the High Seas, and purveyor of the fine blog, Cursed Treasures. Tim had spotted my LOTR wants list in my blog side bar and got in touch to offer up Gandalf the Grey on horse, a now discontinued model that thus has some rarity value. Some emailing back and forth followed, and in the end Tim sent me a parcel containing a load of cool LOTR goodies, as he's decided to take a break from the game. These included:

Gandalf the Grey on horse
4 plastic Wood Elves
Cirion and Madril
Arwen Mounted with Frodo
Galadriel, Mirror and Celeborn
The Death of the WitchKing set
Then some 'cool' stuff - a T-shirt from the 'Gathering in the Desert', a special limited edition hobbit farmer and some Bilbo's-Birthday-bash dice!

Wow, what a treasure trove of LOTR goodness! Admittedly some of the sets I already had, but now I have spares for diorama work, or to trade on... but I really loved the cool stuff, and Gandalf of course!

Thanks a million Tim!

In return I offered to paint up some figures for Tim. Tim said surprise me, so I had a rummage through my leadpile and looked back through Tim's blog posts, hoping to find something to match his interests...

Tim is a fan of the Pulp Genre, and I happened to have a Reaper Flesh Golum and Plague Zombie spare that I hoped would fit the bill. These I painted up and sent over to him, with a pile of left over Flames of War goodies, as that's a game I am pretty much getting out of now...

Reaper Flesh Golum

I figured the flesh golum would be very Frankenstein-ish, so should fit the bill quite well, and you can never have enough zombies right?

Reaper Plague Zombie

With the Plague Zombie I got to try out some of the new GW technical paints and had a play with the rust, blood and rot effects... quite nifty I thought! Though I did find the blood and rot, work better applied after the matt varnish...

So I guess I just wanted to thank all my fellow bloggers and hobbyists for making the hobby social networks a great place to be. Long may it continue!


  1. I agree, I think the 'blogosphere' is an amazing community - just look at Curt's recent painting challenge for some excellent examples of comradeship. I've had some fantastic interactions with blogging hobbyists too and hope this spirit long continues!

  2. Heartily agree and what nice people too!

  3. Amen! The blogosphere is full of kind and generous gamers. I've found this to be true for offline gaming communities too. Generally speaking, we're good eggs.

    1. Indeed, and I forgot to mention your kind offer of Haldir..., though typically I had just bought him off trademe at the time!

  4. Scott,

    Thanks again man, I am glad I could help you out. I will keep an eye on what you may need in the future.

  5. Very nice.

    Sprechen of helping a fellow hobbyist out, I just now noticed your sidebar. I'm pretty sure I have that palantir in question. Let me see if I can find it and I'd be happy to send it your way.

    1. That would be much appreciated. Would you like something in return?

  6. G'day Scott. Thanks for the props mate.

    Glad you're chuffed with the MERP stuff. Told you it was quite a pile! Really pleased it has gone to someone who is right into the genre and will get more use from it that I would.

    1. No worries, and thanks again, its a wonderful pile of LOTR nostalgia :-)

  7. Yes, the blogosphere really keeps me painting both because of the inspiration from the likes of yourself and because I feel duty bound to paint to have something to show myself.


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