
Monday, March 17, 2014

Desert Isle - Part 4, WIP - virtually done! And LOTR Battle Report (Link)

Work has continued apace, over the weekend, with several projects on the go, both terrain and figures... the desert isle getting the lion share of time... it was time to paint it up...

First up, I went with an earthy dark brown base tone and painted the rocky areas in this...

I then dry brushed on a mid grey, followed by a lighter grey. I included a little brown paint in both mixes, just to give the grey colours a little 'warmth'...

I then glued on some fine beach sand to the beach areas... with thinned PVA glue....

Then painted this over in a sandy yellow and PVA glue mix to colour it and seal it down...

Once all that was dry I flocked the rest of the isle interior with Mid Green static grass over a green paint/PVA glue mix, with my flock shaker...

So this gives a simple base for our Island themed games, whether Pirates in the Caribbean, or some Isle off the coastline of Middle-Earth, or perhaps some Isle, where strange goings on are occurring in the Victorian world of Empire of the Dead...

I made a whole load of jungle themed terrain and Palm Trees some time ago that will nicely fill the Isle with vegetation... Or if not jungle then regular woods and bushes will do nicely with some suitable ruins or some such...

The final bit to do here is to add some Woodland Scenics realistic water and water effects to have some waves lapping gently up the beaches, and splashing up against the rocks...

I also managed to just about finish the Ford for our Flight to the Ford scenario... and got all my hills re-flocked and ... I got the Nine Mounted Ringwraiths finished painted, just need to varnish and base detail them...

And rather excitedly, I manged to find that WitchKing of Angmar mounted model I was after. Struck a deal with a nice chap from Australia, that I found via the Facebook 'Wargames Buy and Sell' Group. See, Facebook is actually useful for something after all! ;-) So, if I can get him painted up in the next week, that completes the Nine, with the right model to lead them!

A busy weekends modelling was capped with a thrilling but brutal game of LOTR SBG with Chris... he had come up with an idea for a scenario-ed battle, and detailed all the forces. His first battle report is here on his blog ...

LOTR battle report on Chris' blog
Chris wanted to do some of his own battle reports, whilst I concentrate on our LOTR Journey book campaign here.

Thanks for looking, it will give him a thrill to see some blog hits :-)


  1. Love the island. As you say very useful for all sorts of scenarios. It would be excellent for Dark Ages games of Saga!

    1. Thanks, Yes indeed... many rugged coastlines dotted with islands just perfect for a viking raid!

  2. Nice work on the island Scott. I'll be looking forward to seeing it in action.

    How do you store your terrain? I've noticed you've been working up quite the collection. I am in the process of building a city of Rhun (hopefully photos soon on the TMAT blog), but I haven't yet figured out the best way to store them once they are complete. . .

    and thanks for the prompt for the new blog. I will definitively add it to the blogroll.

    1. Thank you. I am fortunate in having a gameroom, with three 6x4 tables set up, with storage space underneath...

      I am very keen to see your city of Rhun!

      Thank you, he'll be thrilled!

  3. I love how the Island turned out, great work Scott!

  4. Very nice island nice to see Chris blogging.

    1. Thank Robert - he's still finding his feet with it a bit, I'm sure his reports will improve over time...

  5. Superb and very useful piece of terrain.
    I think I know where those metal railings came from that you asked me about for your Victorian project. They come under the name of Mini Art 1/35 scale metal fence. If you google this you should get what you are looking for.

    1. Thanks Pat, and for the info, much appreciated - will check that out, Cheers

  6. Great looking island! nice batrep over at the young masters blog :)

  7. Great stuff Scott, will come in handy for a number of different scenarios.

    1. Thanks Dan,. cant decide what to play on it first!

  8. Looking forward to seeing your ships deliver a whole host of unsavory characters on the lookout for some loot.

  9. That is looking superb Scott, truly inspirational.

    1. Thanks Michael - hopefully it will look a little better once I get it positioned on the sea board with terrain on top too!

  10. Excellent job on the island... Where is the big X?

    1. Thanks Dave, Ah ha, that would be telling - you'll have to win the preceding scenario to find the map! ;-)

  11. That's a great Island !!
    and beautiful too ! If my pirates discover this Eden, I'm sure that they will have a break here !

    1. Thanks Sam, not sure about 'Eden' - there may well be cannibals lurking!

  12. Excellent work on the island Scott! Very well done!


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