
Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Hobbit - another terrain distraction!

My will power to stay on target with the Empire of the Dead stuff is taking a battering... I can only blame The Hobbit ! And a certain someone...

Mt heart always warms whenever I see the Hobbiton scenes, from any of the movies; LOTR or The Hobbit... I am convinced I was a Hobbit in a prior life ! ;-)

Here Gandalf meets a young Bilbo at Bag End... from the movie...

... and the front of Bag End, not only a movie set, but also a tourist attraction, near the town of Matamata (Google it!)...

And where did all this thinking come from... I blame Loki and his Tajima Tufts! ;-)

As soon as I saw these on Lokis site I wanted some... and then couldn't help but think what they could be used for... flowers immediately made me think of Hobbit Holes...

A rummage in the games room found this LOTR supplement...

... in which I remembered reading about making Hobbit holes...

My son had a mate round for a playdate weekend, and since he had seen the Hobbit but never seen the LOTR movies, we enjoyed Saturday night watching the Fellowship of the Ring (Ext Ed) with him... and yes I still get attacks of 'hayfever' while watching it, when Gandalf sets his fireworks off from his cart to the hobbit childrens delight, when Gandalf falls from the bridge at Khazad Dum... , when Boromir dies... "I would have followed you, my Captain, my King..."

Quick pass the Kleenex... watched it dozens of times and it still gets me, I must be getting soft in my old age...

Sunday they spent fighting the Helms Deep assault against the Deeping Wall game with terrain I made years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it...

So I realised I can still enjoy MiddleEarth even if I am not buying the new Hobbit models, as I still have a literal bunker of LOTR models to paint...

So as usual I find myself torn in several directions... ah well, such is this hobby life!

I will press on with the Empire of Dead stuff, and today did the second skim coat to the Victorian base board, and once dry sanded smooth. I hope to press on with more work today on the Victorian Pub... and I have to find time for Curts challenges painting too... but don't be surprised if you see the odd MiddleEarth terrain piece popping up now and again too... ;-)


  1. Sir,

    Do yourself a big favor and check out this URL for a big dose of HOBBIT TOWN modelling. It is spectacular:

    Enjoy it, sir. Enjoy and start building your own hole.

    -- Jeff

    1. I have seen this before Jeff - most impressive, though slightly one step beyond the needs of a wargamer! ;-) Thanks for the link.

  2. When I eventually get around to doing some hobbit holes, I'm going to go overboard with tufts and flowers! Looking forwards to seeing your scenery!

    1. I think they'll really make the piece visually appealing :-)

  3. I might be the only LOTR fan who doesn't want to make hobbit holes I want to make Rivendell and the Old Forest Hedge where the trees attack! I'm looking for to seeing yours, I love looking at hobbit holes. :)

    1. LOTR is just one game that I find myself WANTING TO MAKE EVERYTHING and I could so easily immerse myself in it and never surface again... sadly its not a terribly popular game system so I tend to find I am doing it for my own amusement, but young son seems to have turned on to table top LOTR gaming since the Hobbit movie release, so I will entertain him while he's keen! We played most of Sunday together... Helms Deep scenarios then a switch to the start of the Fall of the Necromancer campaign... I'll need to get my Castellans painted up...

  4. Wow i am buying some of those tuffs, cheers for that!

  5. Good luck with the hobbit holes, especially if you try to build what Jeff suggests!

    1. Thanks - I won't be going to quite that level of detail... ;-)

  6. I need to see the new film I think. I have decided not to buy any new Hobbit models, but am currently on Radaghast and Gandalf which are untainted from the escape from Goblin town set. At the moment I feel the game is just not that great to play that I struggle to be motivated with it. But I love the setting and the book sand that keeps pulling me back to it.

    1. Agreed, its not the greatest rule set, but I like them theme and look of it...

  7. Look forward to seeing what you build, If its anything like your Victorian houses it will be excellent!

    I know what you mean about being torn. I just don't have a clue what to work on either at the moment. Though AVP is calling me.

    1. I hope they will be relatively easy to do compared to the recent EotD housing... though of course I may be tempted to rig some lights in the Hobbit holes, twinkling through the leadlight...

  8. Now you see, I have to confess that I'm chuckling as I type this, not through malice, but understanding! I have decided to embrace the changes in direction in my hobby simply because I know I will never be able to stay on task. I think a Hobbit hole will make a fabulous addition to your collection, go to it Scott!

    1. I know, I know ;-) ... I think since my self imposed FoW arms race has ran its course to no real benefit to myself... (I think I always hoped I would find that 'killer support platoon', but the game doesn't work that way, at least for me, so having collected everything and still lost, I thought bugger it...)... I figured I may as well return to something I genuinely like, and that my son has an interest in... thanks again to recent movie action... I guess I always wanted that father son connection in gaming, so will indulge while his interest continues...

  9. Cool to see those places up close. Very inviting terrain!

    1. I have also ordered a few bits and bobs to complete my Hobbiton model collection, and guess always secretly wanted an excuse to build Hobbiton itself - would be great for a Golfimbul attacks the Shire scenario... and thanks to Panagiotis in Greece, I have the model ready and waiting...

  10. Eat your heart out with this, Scott!

  11. Attack of the gaming butterfly!
    We all suffer from this particular affliction I think, or maybe it could be better described as gaming roundabout, unfortunately new projects keep jumping on board.
    As a fellow butterfly who is also rather keen on the aforementioned genre I shall of course be looking forward to another excellent hobby project from you Scott (just don't forget to finish your EoTD buildings as they rock!).

    1. LOL so true! Thanks for that... I got the Victorian Tavern based last night, long ways to go but getting there... would have got more done but had to re-surface my old Helms Deep board too as its had took a few bumps and knocks from storage, and his young lordship is keen...

  12. Oh, so that's why my eyes are getting affected "by something" each time I watch Gandalf light the fireworks for the tiny hobbitlings - hayfever!

    Those flowers are BEGGING for a Baggins-smial, wonderful find. An order will be sent when I'm back to civilization.

    1. Cough cough splutter, er, yes, erm... Hayfever that's what it must be ! ;-)

  13. Yes! Make more LotT scenery! I always wanted to do Rohan houses and even started one once but got put off by teddy bear fur!


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