
Monday, December 02, 2013

It Lives...!

It lives master, it lives... heck, that's what it feels like using this stuff...

With the poly sheet and piping glued down I decided to fill the void around the pipe with expanding foam filler... I'd used a can of this ages ago, thinking it might create some rather cool cliffs I could carve and sculpt, but I found it too uncontrollable, when used without a controlling frame of reference... and ended up with a huge uncontrolled and unusable 'blob' and just biffed it in the bin... that was quite sometime ago... I do recall it made a right mess and was a bugger to try and clean up, darn stuff seem to stick to everything...

So with that vague memory haunting me somewhat I set to again, read the directions... yeah I know, men don't read instructions ;-)... and even read the ones on the can of clean up spray I got too...

With latex gloves on, and hearty high ho silver, I let rip... is that it...? OK squirt a bit more... still seems a bit thin and hasn't reached the top of the poly sheet yet... hmm, squirt a bit more ... there that'll do... OK clean up time... wahay this stuff is pressurized spray acetone... wee ...nice smell,  splash it on all over, eh 'arry? 'arry? Wheres 'arry?

Thank the Gods I had opened the windows, or I'd be floating round the ceiling somewhere...

Anyhoo... I got cleaned up so I can use the rest of can for something else... gave it half an hour or so, (drying time on can) and came back, and its swelled like you can see below!

... by the end of the night, its just about doubled in size again... I foresee a hearty time with the bread knife and dremel tomorrow! Wish me luck!

If your gonna use the one on the left, make sure you get the one on the right as well! You have been warned!

Oh, and you can probably use about half the amount you think you're gonna need, coz yep, it expands, ...just not instantly...


  1. It is horrible stuff to work with!

  2. Oh b****r! I hope it can be tamed Scott!

  3. Tomorrow it'll have taken over your whole wargames room, wait and see!

    1. If it gets anywhere near there I'll take the chainsaw to it! ;-)

  4. It's a diabolic product !!
    Does it cut easily ?

    1. Yes once cured, you can cut it, saw it, sand it...

  5. Controlled chaos - it turned out well!

  6. Thanks for this I think it would work great for Bocage mounds.

    1. That may depend on your desired scale - it comes out the nozzle in about a 2cm dia 'bead', and will expand readily from that point on... you may have some serious carving to do to get it down to say 15-28mm scale use..

  7. You'll be fine Scott. Like the idea of using it for bocage.

  8. I've used this stuff and its all but impossible to control.

  9. Oh dear good luck with the clean up operation then sir!


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