
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Flames of War tournament action from Wellington Warlords Call to Arms Event

The weekend of 3-4th August saw the Wellington Warlords host their annual Call to Arms tournament, which saw me and two mates; Paul and Brett from the Kapiti region, compete in their Flames of War event.

The event consisted of 5 games played over the two days, and the setting being Late War, and armies at the traditional 1750 points level.

The missions to be played were fixed before the event, being Encounter, No Retreat, Breakthrough, Free for All and Fighting Withdrawal.

Paul and myself documented our progress game by game, over on the Kapiti Fow Gamers blog.

Here's the links to the Game reports:

If you have 5 minutes and a cup of coffee by your elbow, I'm sure you'll find them an interesting read!


                                                         Reports by
Mission: Encounter                  Scott                     Paul
Mission: No Retreat                Scott                     Paul
Mission: Breakthrough             Scott                     Paul


Mission: Free for All                 Scott                    Paul
Mission: Fighting Withdrawal    Scott                    Paul


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