
Monday, July 29, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP 13 - building finished, painting to go...

More work on the Victorian terrace over the last couple of weeks... its good having several projects on the go at once, as whenever you get bored with one, you can do a bit on something else... of course this tends to make you spread your stuff out all over the house! Just make sure you don't upset SWMBO! Dining room tables and kitchen breakfast bars are usually no go areas! ;-)

Plus while the glue or paint on one project is drying, you can be working on something else...

Anyway enough waffle, on with the pics...

First up I finished tiling the roof - thank the Gods for that! Once dry, I glued on the capping ridge.

I then based the building on a sheet of 3mm MDF, to give a pavement width around the front and two sides, but leaving the rear yard wall straight on to alley way. I left a hole underneath to be able to access internal lighting should the need arise.. I clad the MDF pavement in DAS clay again and etched in a pavement pattern.

With the roof done, I added gutters and drain pipes using plastic strut... they are not glued together though as the roof remains lift off for access to batteries for the internal lights...

With building now on a base, I could complete the rear yards, giving them a simple sand surface. More card tiles effected a pathway to rear gate.

The last bit to do is to add the LED gaslamp street lights. I have yet to wire these in to the main house circuit, but am pondering leaving till after painting as I have a feeling they will get in the way, and probably knocked off by accident, during the paint job...

So that's construction complete, just painting left to do... after that I hope to find some suitable Victorian advert bill posters that I can stick on the gable ends of the building to finish the effect... and then perhaps some general junk and detritus to make the rear yards look interesting....


  1. Looking very good there Scott, being following this project closely, the Downpipes and spouting add a nice touch as do the detail in the doors and paving, cant wait to see it painted with lights going.

    1. Thanks Mark, I wasnt aware you were a fan of the period?

  2. Wow, Scotty!
    That house is getting better and better with every hour you spend on it. It's excellent so far and I'm looking forward to the next part of you modelling journal.


    1. Many thanks Stephan, hopefully I'll make a start on the painting over the next week...

  3. L love it! Fantastic effect, that really portrays the period. I think the ornate oil-lamps really set it off, too.

    You know, though, that it has four corners - so if each of those is a cross roads, that is at least ... ah ... um ... eight more buildings or similar sized urban terrain you need to make!

    1. Thanks a lot Roly, yes they are a nice effect arent they?

      Ah yes... I had planned to do at least another 3, to make a block of 4 ... the other sides can face roads on board edges... but I will still need to make other stuff for the rest of the required 4' x 4' base board... I hope to do a corner pub, a police station, a shop front, a warehouse/factory, maybe a mansion that can double as a lunatic asylum, and some extensive gardens to go with it... I can see this project extending over the next year easily and hopefully the kickstarter figures will arrive next month too... whos going to be a busy boy then! ;-)

  4. Great work Scott. I'm always greatly impressed by people who have the talent to produce realistic looking scenery and buildings.

  5. Looking really good Scott! Love the gas street lights!

  6. Looks great has to be my favourite build I've seen so far.

  7. Wow, that's certainly inspiring! One end of the house is calling out for a full size advert to be painted on. Something like:

  8. Holy crap, is that ever gorgeous! I love the garden terraces in the back, brilliant.

    1. Thanks Curt - I guess its the little touches that add to the whole...

  9. Having een it in the flesh i can testify to just how impresive this is. if you get the streetlamps wired up that will indeed be very cool. A great centrepiece for when the EOTD minis are released.

    1. Thanks Dan, yes the light are the last tricky bit to finalise, I hope the painting should be straight forward... I'll be going for a grubby dirty lower class area look...


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