
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP 8 - Final clay cladding and brick etching

Just a quick update to show further work on the building.

I have clad the yard walls in clay and etched in the brick pattern today. A lengthy fiddly process as it was all awkward angles to get at, but no other way off doing it (having learned the hard way of not doing separate MDF pieces with clay as they warp as the clay dries...)

So as the clay dried on the fixed in position yard walls they did not warp, wahay!The chimney stacks also had a little more clay added to blend them in better and brick etching done too.

So with etching complete, next step would be to add card tiles to the roof, of main dwelling and outbuildings.

However I want to rig up the internal lights first, and figure out the best position for battery pack and switch. At this time I am thinking about gluing down main roof, and having battery pack on lower inside wall of main dwelling which will be accessible from the underside of building and rigging the switch inside one of the outbuildings which will have a flip top roof.

I have ordered the LEDs and resistors I need from a US based company, and got the battery holder, wiring and switch from a local electronic component supplier.
Once LEDs arrive I can get busy!


  1. Looking good and sounding good...lights?

    1. Twinkling effect yellow LEDs. When I get it going, I'll try and upload a small video so you can all see the effect...

  2. Looks fantastic so far Scott! The lights will be a really cool idea!

  3. I like this building ! good work!
    I hope that you will show the finished house very soon !

    Wow! leds !! I would like to use this stuff but I must to learn with someone!

    1. Scott9:50 AM, June 02, 2013

      Yeah I know what you mean, my basic 101 electronics skills and knowledge are harking back some 25+ years to school days, but thankfully Joe over at the ColonelO'Truth blog, has been working with the same components for his VSF project and gave me a few tips...
      The Colonel O'Truth

  4. So once complete you'll have learnt enough to start producing them production line style. Looking forward to the completed Victorian city.
    It's looking grand by the way, I've heck of an edifice.

    1. LOL, I perhaps wouldnt go so far as the phrase 'production line' but hopefully the next one(s) will be faster... and I have ordered enough LEDs to do many buildings so thats my incentive to keep making them...
      Many thanks :-)

  5. Your persistence is an inspiration sir! I love the idea of lighting. Make sure you take plenty of pics so we can see how you do it.

  6. Looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product...

  7. Your hard work and attention to detail are evident, Scott. Best, Dean

  8. A great result so far. Absolutely awesome!

    Carry on, Scott!



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