
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP6 - "Chim Chim Cher-ee" , chimneys, details and more straightening...

More work on the Victorian terrace...

Prior to this weekend I had added the doors and window dressing... This weekend I have added the chimney stack ends.  The doors were just two layers of thin card with the outer layer with holes cut in for the panelled effect. The window net curtain effect is two layers of wedding voil material glued at right angles to each other as the material has a pattern to it.

The chimneys were 3 layers of 3mm mdf cut to size and shape with the outer layer trimmed to fit the top peak of the gable end... Another thing I should have done from the out set from cutting out the gables.

 Click play on above video for some themed(?) musical accompaniment.

Once PVA'd into place and glue dry I clad with more DAS clay... its still drying hence it looks darker than rest of building. Once dry I'll etch in the brick pattern again. The chimney pots are Evergreen styrene rods cut to 1cm lengths and glued to top of mdf before clay blends them to top.

The need for chimneys was one of the reasons I didn't put windows in the building gable ends, otherwise it wouldn't look right...

More close up views of windows and doors at front of building...A little greenstuff filled any small gaps at top of doors. I have also added clay to corner building joints and will need to etch in more brick work here too.

At the rear the clamps are out again, to straighten the rear walls of the yard... The middle piece of mdf is just there for tension to force walls straight as they dry and is not glued in place so will be removed. The rear wall panel with gates is gluing into place.

I need to add the gates once this is done and, am busy cutting out pieces to make the W/C and coal store for back wall of yard...

That's all for now, back to painting German FoW...


  1. Good stuff. I think it will look great when finished. I am using the date for the new EOTD miniatures being released as motivation to get my Victorian scenery sorted.

    1. Thanks. Yes likewise, I am hoping I might a have a few buildings done by then...

  2. Looking very good - lots of nice details you're putting into this piece. Best, Dean

  3. Great work Scott, coming along very well! Really like the look of the door. Much, much better than mine.

    1. Thanks, Actually you have just reminded me, I need to add the doorknobs/handles...

  4. Looking good, Scott. Those chimney pots really give the London roof-top look.

    Of course, if you're going the Mary Poppins way, you've got to have a roof-top crows nest for Admiral Boom and Mr Binnacle ;-)

    1. Thanks. Now there's an idea for another building!

  5. Coming along very nicely Scott, keep it up!

  6. The amount of effort involved in this is quite something mate. I imagine it's going to be a weighty beast when finished too!

  7. COR blimey Mary Poppins... looking good...

  8. Looking great so far. Really looking forward to the completed project.

  9. Excellent stuff, Scott.
    The house turns out better and better. I'm looking forward to the next WIP post of it.

    And the clip reminded my of earlier days... Nice.


  10. One of the worse movie accents in film - but I still love it.

    This project is looking awesome Scott! You must have a good amount of storage to be able to squirrel away these lovely beasts you construct. I'm very envious.


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