
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP5 - Window panes and more warp repairs, Mr Scott!

Now the warping has been attended to for the most part on the front and rear panels, it was time to press on with some more modelling work, and I decided the next thing to do would be to add the window panes. This was simply done gluing to the back of the panels an over-sized piece of plastic, cut from the blister packs all the figures come in... simple... Once this has dried I'll add some mesh for a mesh curtain effect...

And some more warp fixing, on the gable ends...

More to follow, now the warping has been fixed and brick surface has been etched, hopefully I can press on with some better progress, stay tuned...


  1. This is turning into a bit of an epic Scott. I must admit, I admire your tenacity! And I know that the end product will be spectacular. How many buildings were planning on doing?

    1. I'd like to do another 3 blocks of this style terrace, and have the yards face each other with a alley way between,... then a corner public house and shop at the end of this 'street'... perhaps a police station further over, and some kind of warehouse buildings... but I hope to make it sectional and varied so they may be some dockside buildings, and also some main municipal buildings, a mansion type thing , perhaps a lunatic asylum...
      I've got lots of ideas, I just need to find the best and quickest may of making them... so far if, I had not had to correct the warping, I think I would have been finished...
      So I think roughly a day to make the MDF structure, and allow over night to glue to set fully. Then a day to clad with clay, and a further day to etch the brickwork.. after that the smaller details together, windows, doors etc a further day all told, the roof and chimneys may take a day and then painting.

      So each building is roughly a weeks work and at a cost of about $10NZ in materials.

      Thats a rough estimate and is probably in line with the pirate world I built a couple of years back.

      I am not kidding myslef that it will be a quick project, but its going to be do-able at a sensible cost. Whilst I like the Sarissa stuff, the price is off putting - when it comes to terrain I always end up thinking I could make it cheaper...

  2. Very good work !! buildings are something that I never do : I don't take time or don't have enough time...
    I follow this interesting project!

  3. Looking good. Can't wait to see more.

  4. Really coming together now Sir.

  5. Getting there Scott, I wounded would foam board have been a better choice as a base? Less likely to warp I think


    1. Thanks Dave.
      Foamboard probably would have been better to work with but I have not found that it takes an etched brick pattern too well, without snags and tears in the material. And if I had clad it in clay it too would have warped. Its the fact I thought I'd be able to roller the clay flat panel by panel that buggered things up...

      Plus MDF is cheaper than foam board.

      I think if I fully assemble the buildings next time then clad with clay and just smooth down with fingers, it will work fine. Etching will probably be more awkward due to the handling of the 3D shape though...

      Trying to keep costs for this project down if possible...

  6. Great progress so far Scott. I'm looking forward to seeing it all come together for the final building.

  7. Coming along really well Scott!

  8. Impressive building, Scott. Glad to hear the warping was remedied. Best, Dean

  9. Hey Scott,

    it looks better and better. Great work!
    I'm looking forward to see the painting and detailing work.



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