
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP3 - Brickwork

A couple more update pictures. Last night I set to, etching in the brick pattern into the building sides.

I had hoped to get them all done last night... Ha ha ha , who was I kidding... it took me all night to do one piece.

So this is going to take a little longer than I hoped... But I think the effect has been worth it.

Ideally I would have liked smaller bricks, but I quickly realized it was going to take a while, so I widened my initial score lines. I had thought one swipe of the etching point would be sufficient, but the clay has dried surprisingly hard and each score line took multiples passes back and forth.

[With the next building, I may try scoring the clay before fully dry.]

Plus I guess most wargaming modelling is a little abstracted in scale so I am not too concerned, I think it gives the right impression of regular brickwork... I hope you agree !

The other issue with the clay drying, is that it has warped the MDF slightly as it has dried. I hope I can get it to go back straight, gluing more internal MDF panels edge on and clamp it while the glue dries, pulling it back into shape. I have already flexed the boards back flat and clay didn't crack so no problems there.
Same with putting the building on a base - as you can see the yard walls have warped quite noticeably too.

Oh well, progress and problems, we'll get there eventually. If it doesn't work out, then it's at least been an interesting exercise and hopefully I have alerted others to some of the difficulties you may encounter.

Ideally I would have liked to have used some kind of dense foam sheet, for the brick scoring, but I have not found a 100% suitable one yet. I thought I had with the depron foam, but making the cemetery walls I noticed even this didn't score in well, but snagged and tore a fair bit...

No work tonight as I have a game on with Paul (Flames of War), but I have a day off tomorrow for ANZAC day here in NZ, so I may get a little more done then.

Till next time...


  1. Your patience is amazing. Old brick buildings often have warped walls so i wouldn't worry!

    1. LOL, yes, it could be mining subsidence from the pits ;-)

  2. Don't worry Scott, the wall didn't warp that much and the great modelling job and your gifted painting will hide it, I'm sure.


  3. I do enjoy your terrain articles Scott, although that looks laborious but satisfying.
    Don't know if you've heard of Reddiprene38 from these guys
    I've not tried it yet but I've heard its pretty good.

    1. Looks like some interesting stuff there. I have bookmarked it for future reference...

  4. Very impressive Scott. Your brick work came out really well.

  5. Thanks for these posts I am watching this develop with much interest as I want to undertake a similar project myself to add to the Sarissa buildings I have. They do look great and I do think all the hard work will be worth it when you have finished.

  6. Great progress on the building, Scott. Nice brick effects; the warping looks pretty minimal - hopefully it'll won't be noticeable once the whole thing is put together. Best, Dean

  7. What a fabulous result Scott, I was worried about the MDF warping but it seems that you have overcome that without the clay crumbling. I think all the effort is going to amply rewarded with this project - keep going Sir.


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