
Monday, April 01, 2013

Trucks and walls - FoW

I recently finished a couple more Flames of War vehicles that I started during the painting challenge, but didn't manage to get finished within the deadline time; a pair of British 3 ton trucks.

I picked these up many months ago when the 'local' games store had a closing down sale. I hadn't had any reason to paint them up really though until our playing group started getting interested in doing some Market Garden themed stuff, so they could be a useful addition to my XXX Corp forces, being a transport section for some infantry.

" 'ere Smiffy, I reckon we can get a cuppa there!"

So being late war Brits, they got the standard late war Brit colour spray paint treatment, and then finished with the 'mickey mouse' style camo pattern. Here you see them exploring a quaint French village, perhaps looking for somewhere to park up for a latte or pernod?

I also recently decided that whilst I have quite an extensive selection of terrain now for Flames of War, I only really have hedges as linear terrain, and whilst concealing, it doesn't stop many bullets! So some walls were in order! So I set to with the MDF again...

Simply done; cut strips of 3mm thick MDF, to a height of 13mm, and of various lengths and based on lolly or popsicle sticks.

I then cut out a whole load of small brick shapes out of thin card to give the impression of bricks, and another load of 3mm square ones to give some capping stones for the walls. Then painted up in greys with drybrushing, and fianlly I flocked the bases, with brown coloured sawdust and green static grass. I am rather pleased with the way they have come out. From materials I already had, cost was zero, the only real cost being time; they took me about a week to do. I just need to make some matching gates to finish off the effect...

They featured in out little mini Easter Tournament here, and in the pics above around the cafe and church buildings.


  1. Nice stuff, Scott. Great job on the walls, too. I always take the easy way out and buy the stuff, even it it's simple to DIY. I need to learn from you!

  2. Very nice layout, and I like those walls!

  3. The walls have been a great addition to our games. The cafe just makes you want to park up and enjoy a glass of something nice and watch the war go by without you!

  4. Your table looks great, it's also good to have a few soft vehicles on hand but those walls ... well I thought they were shop bought. Very impressive.


  5. I#d be pleased with the walls too, nice work Scott!

  6. The trucks look great, but those walls are genius Scott!

  7. The whole table looks great Scott! Well done on those walls btw.


  8. Cool, Scott. Might have ago at some of those walls myself. What make are your buildings?

    1. Thanks Nate.
      The buildings are a mix of Kerr & King, and Total Battle.

  9. Nice scenery in general mate. I'm still struggling to find my FoW mojo but when laid out properly it certainly has that cinematic appeal over 28mm. I may have to borrow your wall tip for my 28mm WW2.

    1. Thanks :-)
      No worries, just make then a bit taller!

  10. Great work Scott! I always like the work you do with terrain - very inspiring.

  11. Nice idea and work on the walls very effective.


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