
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Empire of the dead Requiem - LAST GASP chance...

Roll up roll up , read all about it...

9 hrs to go till the end of the Empire of the Dead Requiem Kickstarter ends!

We thrashed through the last stretch goals and Uncle Thulu has been added and more besides!

We're only £2k away from completing the final goal of the Kickstarter and releasing "The Phantom" with the £90,000 mark of the target.

OK, the UK and Europe have gone to sleep now, so its up to us 'internationals' to hit this one out of the park! So all you Aussies who have just got up, and Kiwis going about their day, and Yanks and Canadians, sitting down to dinner looking forward to your evening, nows the time to log in and pledge away!

Have you pledged yet!? If not , time to visit here.

Come on guys I am sure we can hit this final target!

Fingers crossed...

Well done to Andy and Wendy Cooper for managing a superb Kickstarter project!


  1. You're killing me here Scott. If my bank wouldn't sieze up and send the fruad squad 'round, I'd be in in a heartbeat. Local banks are nice for safely, but horrid for doing international business.

  2. LOL, thanks for the +1 Anne :-) It may help to just draw enough attention.

    I just check in again, we're only ~400 quid away with ~6 hours to go!
    I'm tempted to add a bit more to my pledge and add more bits and bobs from the optional extras (great idea that to bump up the pledges and all at rates discounted from the RRP)

  3. Curse you Scott! I went in with 33 minutes to go!

    It's all your fault!

  4. LOL Fully funded all goals reached! Very happy this morning Is it June yet!

    1. Awesome, can't wait!
      Even my mate Paul dived in at last minute with a 30 quid pledge - plans on getting Lycaons :-)
      Another mate Brett plans on doing Brotherhood with proxied mordheim stuff...

    2. Sounds great, I've just finished taking pics of the four remaining Brotherhood members so will post them up tonight/tomorrow.

      I went for the Megalomaniac level and added tokens and Hell division. If I could of sold more stuff I'd of added more to it.

    3. Very cool!
      I was tempted to go that far, but I have had a spluge on FoW stuff recently too, so I had to reign myself in a bit... just a bit though! ;-)

  5. I've no idea really - a £100 one. Last week I was paid £350 for giving a 45 minute talk to a group of students from Georgia and the cash was just sitting in my wallet, so...

    1. Excellent! With 100 quid you'll have plenty of choose from and all the stretch goal figures!

  6. This has been fun hasn't it. Me and Steve put just over £100 in and probably are going to fight over who gets what. I love the machines I must say and can see myself forking out more in the near future.


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