
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Empire of the Dead - Requiem Kickstarter - roaring success!

Having sucked up the courage to dip my toe in the kickstarter craze, and having a great fondness for this game despite only playing a handful of games, I placed my pledge and managed to grab one of the early bird £75 pledge deals.

After only a few days, the kickstarter has reached over £40,000 in pledges, obliterating the target of £5,000. !

Keeping an eye on the kickstarter page here, and the Westwind Facebook page here, its been tremendous to see what Andy is going to be able to do with the game as its audience of existing and prospective players grows, with new figures, factions, conveyances and rules for these being 'unlocked'.

I am still excited to see the kickstarter continue to grow as it unlocks more stretch goals, effectively rewarding my pledge with further models for my collection (if I understand the kickstarter correctly!?)

So anymore folks still undecided or sitting on the fence with this, now's the time to jump on in! I am sure you wont be disappointed.

On the terrain front, I have often looked at the MDF terrain from Sarissa Precision, and whilst their cityblock range looked good, I wasn't keen on the flat roofs. So I dropped them an email about it, and was pleased to hear back that they are actively working on the range with plans for further expansion and pitched roofs! Great! As these will look far more 'Victorian' to the image in my minds eye...

Also the Legatus blogged this: " The really good news is that North Star are working with 4Ground to make some laser MDF Victorian London houses.  This really is excellent news and will solve my big worry about scenery!", over on his wonderfully eclectic blog; Legatus' Wargames Armies. 

So thats another range of buildings to watch out for!

Exciting times ahead indeed in the realm of VSF/Steampunk!

Can't wait!


  1. (Sigh) So much cool stuff out there... must focus... must resist.

    Unfortunately I have no idea who locally I would play a Steampunk/VSF/Pulp/Gothic Horror type game with anyway, but maybe my fledgeling Nappy group will eventually lead to other interesting non-GW type games. :-)

    1. LOL, sorry Jason, I'm just going to have to keep tempting you! ;-)

    2. I'm really interested in that vampire counts coach. I hope it's not just the one from their Gothic Horror range. That one is nice, but I already own it. ;-)

    3. I'd like to think it would be something new, otherwise what was the point? Same with the handson cab, they do one of those too already...

      Must admit I'm probably likely to be the only one in my local group who goes with this, but with more than one faction, as I alredy have then I can always host games, and hopefully generate some knock on interest! I thinks whats really going to grow the appeal of the game is when suitable terrain becomes readily available, so watch those MDF suppliers! :-)

  2. The buzz on this is huge now. It's a winner to buy into. They'll fund it, they'll hit all their stretch goals and they'll deliver on time. I tried to get in, but my bank is a little local bank and won't handle international transactions. I have 33 days to ponder how to sort this out and get into this.

  3. Steve and I are keen to go halves on a £75 pledge. I want the PDF rules and the extra rules too. Hopefully Westwind will see just how popular this game is and provide a cheap set of Victorian buildings with free postage to NZ. One can but dream...

    1. Cool.
      LOL dream indeed.
      £50 orders from Sarissa are shipped post free! Thats one big warehouse building, or several smaller ones...

  4. Oh this does look very cool and very, very tempting!

    1. I'm sure you'll find this 'right up your street' Michael!

  5. Looks like you jumped in at the right time Scott and good news with the buildings.

  6. Thanks for the plug Scott, it boosted my followers!


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