
Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's still summer somewhere in the world!

To all my fellow 'northern hemisphere' Ronin taking part in the Analogue Hobbies painting challenge, and especially to Jason Meyers at Der FeldMarschall, I thought I would offer you a couple of pics to let you know that, despite you being under inches (Britain/Europe) and feet (Canada) of snow, it's still summer somewhere in the world...

Last weekend it was so hot we took the kids to a local swimming hole called Devils Elbow on the Waikanae River, to cool down...

Me, above standing in the river cooling my feet... to the left of the rocks in above pic a tiny tributary peels of from the main river , (which continues to the right of the picture), and fills a deep water / swimming hole before re-joining main river...

My son (9rs) swimming across the swimming hole...

Quite pleased with himself for making it across... in NZ we are surrounded by the sea and rivers so swimming is a must have skill... of course dear ol' dad was ready at a seconds notice to dive in to the rescue if needed... yeah right , the water was frikin freezing ;-) ... Funny how the kids don't notice it so much yet I stick my toe in and go 'Brrrrrr!' ;-)

Also thankfully NZ has no dangerous flora or fauna that would pose a risk (other than certain types of poisonous algae), so swimming is safe.

So as you can see, finding time to pick up the paint brush at this time of year is tricky ;-) But I am getting there, slowly...


  1. Replies
    1. LOL... give it 6 months and you'll be the ones with the summer pics and we'll been cyrled up round the fire!

  2. Nice ... Now if only we could reciprocate later this year - but given we seem to have rain for the summer the last few years even that looks unlikely. Enjoy it all while you can I say

    1. Must admit, Dad (nr Newcastle upon Tyne) said you guys had rain most of last summer...?

    2. Yep - apart from around the Olympics time - it was sodden!

  3. We have to enjoy these nice days Scott. Give it a couple of months and we will be back in the .......!

    1. Yeah I know, it certainly cools off in the winter months here and I know you Christchurch boys can get a fair covering of snow too!?

  4. Wow, I would be playing outside too with that kind of weather right now!

  5. Looks quite a picturesque place, its bloody freezing here in Kent!!

  6. Who can blame you wanted to take advantage of that beautiful weather, not that I'm envious at all!

  7. This is just rude... Here one have to wait for the bus to work in -12 C, a bus that never comes because it got stuck in the snow and ice.

    To add insult to injury, my friend just came back from a three month long trip to NZ and Aus - the pictures almost made me cry! And now this! Look at you, standing there in the cool water with bare feet ;)

    1. Ah Llama, I'm sure in 6 months time you will have your glorious European Summer, and we'll be battening down the hatches and getting the wood burner roaring away to keep warm...

  8. I was a fond swimmer as a kid and feel exactly the same as you know brr indeed. You live in really Beautiful place Scott. Nice pics buddy.

  9. Niiice!! Someday the foot will be in the other (frozen) boot...

    Now, where is your painting for the Challenge?

    1. Its coming, its coming! I just sprayed up some Tiger tanks and half tracks... !

  10. NICE!! Love it! ;-) Beautiful pics Scott, I admit I am suitably jealous, but was able to live vicariously for at least 30 seconds while I stared at your sunny pics.

    Things are on the rise here in Wintery Minnesota. It got up to 20F today so I was able to avoid having my snot instantly freeze while taking out the trash today, which is always a bonus! :o)

    Oh yeah, I able to get some painting done as well...

  11. You certainly wouldn't want to swim in the sea here, Crocodiles and deadly Jelly fish. But even though it's high humidity Darwin was the coolest capital in Australia a short while back.
    Looks like NZ gets a summer this year. Nice one.

    1. Its been real nice. When we migarted from UK, Oz was a possible option but quickly discounted, my wife has a real phobia of snakes, to the point that she screams in fear if one appears on the TV screen... So Oz was out, she'd never be able to leave the house...

  12. Grr! I fell over on the ice at the weekend and have been hobbling around all week. I'd already fallen out of the loft trying to put one of my wife's numerous Christmas trees away.

    While at first jealous of your lovely sunshine it has, on reflection, cheered me up and got me looking forward to better light in a few months at least!

    1. I'm trying not to laugh at the image of you falling from the loft! I hope any injurt was minor.
      Slipping on ice I don't recall with fondless and can commiserate.

      I am glad to have brought a small ray of sunshine to your thoughts!

  13. Yep Scott, we're enjoying a golden summer here in the South as well. Your pics speak eloquently of what's so special about 'Godzone'.

    Just got back from the Woodstock Motorcycle Rally in Hokitika, three days of bikes, blues, beer and sun....truly awful...NOT!

    1. Can't agree more,...
      My own bike is with the mechanic getting some much needed TLC before getting back on the road! Hopefully this week, while I am on holiday!

  14. Nice outing, Scott. Great to know about the lack of dangerous species - I had wondered that while you guys were wading in the water. My best friend moved toAuckland with him mom when we were in grade school. I've since lost touch with him, but we used correspond. Great to see what a wonderful place it is. Best, Dean


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