
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lady Luck - Empire of the Dead

One more Empire of the Dead figure finished, another 'Gentleman & Jackanapes'; Lady Luck.

She is another of the 28mm scaled figures that is large and again shown standing on a 40mm base.

Her main ability as you can imagine from her Rifle is an almost unerring shooting ability that will pick out any foe hiding at just about any range!

There's definately a hint of 'Alan Quartermain' about her in this respect!

I decided to power her scope with some of the fiendish 'Infernium', giving the scopes sight a red glow.

She also has the uncanny ability to escape capture, and at a time of her choosing may leave the board, taking with her any close enough to be under her protection.

Another figure I look forward to trying out in the game indeed.

In the meantime I have just about finished the graveyard, with just a little touch up paint work required to finish it off.

Plus I have got 8 peelers base coated, 10 victorian civilians including 4 strumpets, base coated and the 'Ripper', ready to start painting up. I am trying to get these done which will just about complete all I need to play the various missions in the book, and before I get overwhelmed with the desire to paint LOTR stuff...


  1. I haven't seen this miniature before. Very cool!

    1. Many thanks. I am tempted to actually use her as a general mascot for all my gaming as my dice rolling in general could do with a serious boost from 'Lady Luck' ... any dice that fail to roll the desired number will shot by her magnificent Hunting Rifle!

  2. She's an excellent looking miniature, great job!

  3. That's a nice looking figure and what a feather!

  4. I like the look of her Scott. Very much looking forward to seeing those victorians.

  5. Fantastic mate. Love this miniature and how you've painted her up.

  6. She looks great Scott and what a wonderful job you've done on her. Now if I can just dream up a use for her...

  7. Very cool miniatures. That's one hell of a plume on her hat though.

    'Peelers' coming up? Hmm. Are Peelers in NZ the same as here in CND? That would be nice...

    1. Thanks Curt.
      Not sure what 'Peelers' are in Canada, but in old Victorian England, that was the slang word for policemen, as the first police force , I believe was created by a Sir Robert Peel. They were/are also sometimes called 'Bobbies' for the same reason... after their founder...

    2. Good bit of history there, thanks. Never knew that.

      In these parts 'Peelers' are those lovely lasses who insist on removing their clothing and cavorting around a chrome pole in front of a host of inebriated lads. God bless them all (the Peelers, not the lads).

    3. No worries :-)
      Ah ha, more evidence of two cultures divided by a commnion language! ;-)

      We tend to refer to those delightful ladies as 'pole-dancers' !

  8. Many thanks all for your kind words :-)


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