
Friday, November 30, 2012

Graveyard or Cemetery - Empire of the Dead.

Finally finished my piece of terrain for Empire of the Dead gaming, a Graveyard, or Cemetery...

Actually I was not quite sure what, if any, difference there was in these two words... so a quick glance at wikipedia: Graveyard

In a quick summary, Graveyards are typically old, near a church and within the city limits... Cemeteries replaced this practice by burying the dead in municipally owned land, not adjacent a church and often outside city limits... So I can use this piece of terrain in both an urban or rural setting; in town, put it next to a Church and its a Graveyard, in rural environment, it becomes a cemetery, though I may conceal the perimeter pavement if used in a rural setting...

I began this project earlier this month detailed here.

I would have had it up on the blog sooner put had problems with the PVA warping the whole board quite badly. So had to turn it upside down, and glue the under surface, with some weights in place to bend it back... of course the darn thing then warped the other way! So I had to repeat the right way round again! If you look closely it still has a slight lift to the corners of the perimeter pavement but its not too noticeable...

So, "bring out yer dead!"...


A skirmish in the Graveyard, some Gentlemen encounter a Vampire!

I have ordered some brick pattern embossed Plasticard to have ago at making some city buildings, though the Hobbit / LOTR craze could well distract me away from this project now...


  1. Replies
    1. Many thanks Fran! Thats a top notch comment! ;-)

  2. This really looks great! You make it look easy.

    1. Thanks Jerry! To be honest, other than the trouble with the warping, its wasnt too difficult to do, just time consuming!

  3. Nicely done. Great terrain work. I think I need that piece to use as Halloween decoration next year!

  4. Very nice Scott. The added detail of the wrought iron fence and the gravel pathways really give this a polished, professional look.

    1. Yes I was thrilled when I found the railing material online, as I would never have been able to make that myself, in a sensible amount of time and repeatedly the same pieces.
      The gravel is railway ballast.
      Thanks Anne.

  5. That really came out looking great. Well done!

  6. That's absolutely fantastic, a work of art!!!

  7. An awesome piece. Excellent work. You showed some patience in getting it to un-warp. I don't think I would have had that same patience.

    1. Thank you! Patience is not the word! if I hadn't already glued into place the gravestones, I may have given up on it and tipped the lot!

  8. This is excellent Scott. Will the gravestones work for 20mm?

    1. Thank you. I guess so, though they would look accordingly larger and more grandiose...

  9. Really brilliant. It's the scenics that have always put me off steampunk so I'll be interested to see how you go. You are very good alternating figures and scenery! Maybe I need to paint some of my pile of Grand Manner buildings!

    1. Thank you Sir! I must admit its with a little trepidation that I consider making a 'proper' brick city building. I'll see what the plasticard is like when it arrivves amd may look at ordering some of the windows and doors from Atenocities workshop...

      The Grand Manner buildings are very nice indeed!

  10. Looking fantastic mate. Very nicely laid out.

  11. Almost forgot my terrain tip. When I'm gluing pieces to MDF, I usually screw it down to a larger piece of wood. Do the majority of your gluing, painting, etc., then let it dry, before you unscrew it. I've found this usually prevents warping. I haven't tried this on a large piece of MDF. Filling the screw holes won't cause any warping.

  12. Superb work, I think every town should have one. I will have to put one of these on my to do list.


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