
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Empire of the Dead - Graveyard - WIP

Well a wet weekend has seen me crack on with a project I have been planning for a little while. If you are going to play Empire of the Dead, then it makes sense to have a graveyard as a scenic item! Somewhere for those zombies to come from! This is what I managed this weekend.

I know it looks a little out of alignment, but I have just put the railing sections in place for you to get the idea of how it will end up. They still need trimming to fit properly and glue into place, but I want to paint the walls before I do that.

The walls are made from 5mm depron foam, two sheets together to give greater thickness to walls. The railings are from a Chinese based ebay trader that does railway scenics, sold in 1m strips. The gravestones are the Rendra plastics set. They are on lolly sticks at the moment for ease of handling and painting, but I will stick them down in rows once ready to go.

A pic with a gentleman for scale. I have left enough mdf base around the outside of wall to act as a pavement. I just have to decide what colour to paint the walls and mortar...

My order of Westwind background figures arrived over the weekend too; bobbies, inspectors, strumpets, civilians, thugs, London gents, and The Ripper! Looking forward to cracking on with these figures :-)


  1. I'm intrigued for the name of thesupplier of the fence railing. I have those Renedra Gravestones as well, althought I donated them to the wife for her VC. Do you have any of the Garden of Morr stuff?

    1. Here you go Sam:

      I like the Garden of Morr stuff though its perhaps a little OTT skull/warhammer-wise for 'generic' use

    2. Thanks for the Link.

      I forgot about the skull fascination. But if you're using it for empire of the dead it is all gothic and the game is called empire fo the dead. ;-)

    3. No worries... very true, hmmm... ;-)

  2. Looking good so far Scott, really good work.

    1. Thanks Fran - I hope to get it finished over the next or so...

  3. This is going to superb Scott, looking forward to regular updates.

  4. It's always great when the postman delivers lead! Happy painting Scott.

  5. Very good so far. Like the layout. Can't wait to see it completed.

  6. Have fun, Scott! I am sure, it will be an amazing graveyard at the end, as oxymoron as it sounds!


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