
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Here's a few Zulu models I did several months ago.

 I bought a box of Wargames Factory's Zulus, probably inspired after watching Zulu, with No.1 son..., and had a go at getting the first 'test sprue' assembled and painted to see what they were like. I have to say I was not very impressed, it has put me off getting on with the rest of the box...

The open hands don't look like they are gripping the spears, the heads sit oddly on the torsos, giving a strange 'hunch-back' look from the rear, two of the bodies are a bit too obese for my liking, I can't see them running as fast over the savanna as they were reputed to be able to. They also come with rifles, and one pose would be a shooting pose with two hands cast holding the rifle, but I failed to get this option to work using any of the available torsos from the sprue. Really bad form!

I guess they will look OK en-masse, if I ever get round to finishing them off.

 They could be a useful little darkest-Africa-style colonial contingent for my Prussian GASLIGHT forces, which is what made me have another look at them in the display case the other day. Hmmm....

Who knows I may get round to finishing them off to help fend off Joe's Colonial Brits..., though how they would react upon seeing 'Gargantua' is anyone's guess!


  1. Two thoughts, sir.

    First I have used GASLIGHT as a straight Colonial rules set (no VSF) and it worked just fine except that "Heroes" are too strong. I would suggest that as a straight Colonial set of rules, use lesser "Lead Characters".

    Second, on painting the rest of your Zulus, you know that if they're painted, you will use them . . . so the trick is getting them painted.

    I have found that getting together with a gaming buddy for a "Painting Night" is a great way to get those hard-to-get-started-on projects done. You sit and paint, chatting about various gaming stuff and the figures get "dressed".

    So how about seeing if you can set up a "Painting Night" with some of your compatriots . . . they might help put together and paint those Zulus . . . and the company is good too.

    -- Jeff

    1. Thanks for the input Jeff...
      Yeah I am sure I will use them, its just finding a gap in the painting schedule to fit them in... I have always been one to paint whatever I am currently and most actively playing and recently that has been FoW, with the recent addition of EotD... the GASLIGHT thing is a fun interesting side distraction for me at the moment, though as yet no games played... perhaps some actual games could give me a bit of motivation!
      I have never thought of painting as a social get together type thing... get togethers are usually game time... with painting being a solo activity between games... but how knows it could be a different way to spend time with mates...
      Thanks again

  2. I could be interested in that idea, Scott, to help you get them done. Two or three of us should be able to complete a whole impi in an evening.

    1. Thanks for the offer, though I presume perhaps Jeffs idea of the painting get together would be a social chat together as we painted our own stuff... otherwise, it would seem a little odd you painting my figures!?

    2. I actually read it as several of us joining forces to paint your figures in none evening - and I certainly don't mind if you want a bit of help painting sufficient Zulus.

      But, yes, that's another good idea, to enjoy painting our own figs in a social get-together. I remember having such painting nights when I was a young wargamer. I always enjoyed them, and got a lot of production on those nights.

    3. OK lets see if we can organize something sometime...

  3. We used to have painting days, were 4 of us would paint 1 guys figures all day. We used to get a hell of a lot of figures painted, give it a go!

  4. Didn't much like the Wargames Factory Zulus either. Much the same reasons too.Good luck with getting the rest done.

  5. I paint in total isolation. But you know, I think it might be nice to have another painter to talk about painting with, while I painted. You should give it a go.

    1. It does sound tempting, the chat would be nice... and I do have a spare 'paint station' ready to use...

  6. We forget just how good the metal sculpts are these days, but I'm sure these will be perfect as a full impi, certainly if the rest are up to this standard.

    1. Good point Michael, yes I agree when viewed en-masse they will be fine, its just getting to that point!


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