
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gentleman's Club - Empire of the Dead

Finally got my Gentleman's Club finished for Empire of the Dead.

Here they are all arrayed in readiness to venture forth into a dark and sinister tale, where Infernium exists and the dead walk the earth in their many guises!

Soon to do battle with Vampires and Werewolves and all manner of unsavoury creatures...

The Secretary

The President

The 'American'

Vice President
I kept the paint jobs simple yet effective, I hope, with characterful faces with monocles I was compelled to do the eyes as best I could. I gave a little highlight to the flesh tones, but was happy with a shade and mid tone for most other areas. I even wimped out of trying plaid. Sorry! I just wanted to get them done and tabletop ready! The tricky bit was filling the recessed base with greenstuff to sculpt the paving stones - took far longer than I imagined!

Gentleman's Club
I have played a few simple games to get the hang of the rules, often with my son and his friend from next door. It seems these days Vampires etc are all the rage - just look at the latest series of Lego kits - "monster fighters" - so they had a blast!

Gentleman's Club against the Vampires
Thus far the Gentlemen have had the best of it as they pack greater firepower than the Vampire faction who need to get into close combat where the Graf and Consort shine.

Most battles have been fought over a nice selection of rural hamlets, as I dont as yet have any suitable Victorian city buildings. That is going to be the lengthy part of the project. Just hope I can stay focused.

I plan to add the Lycaon faction to my collection and all the special characters, and 'the Mob', zombies, police and Inspectors, and civilian towns folk, The Ripper and Holmes and Watson, all available from WestWind Productions... As yet I am undecided on the Brotherhood though no doubt they will arrive in due course...

I'll try and get a pictorial battlerep ready for you soon.


  1. Very nice work indeed, Scott. I look forward to seeing these in the flesh.

    i admire your output - my painting has been at a virtual standstill for what seems months now.

    1. Thanks Roly, I thinks its simply because I am getting in some regular gaming and have become rather enthused by several projects at once, which is all rather motivating :-)

  2. A truly extraordinary group of gentlemen, lovely work Scott!

  3. Lovely work there, streampunk has really come of age.

  4. Love these Scott; I've got the 'secretary' one to try, if I can just remember where I put him!

  5. Nicely done mate, I enjoyed painting these myself, Still trying to get the Lycaons and Brotherhood done

  6. Very nice sir! It's a very tempting project!

    Ahh yes, staying focused is also my curse! I hope your able too as I'd like to see a Victorian city. Good luck!


    1. I've got Professor Erazmus to finish off first, then I am going to have a go at getting a graveyard done, as I have the plastic rendra gravestone set... After that I may have a go at public house.
      Other tings to try; a large factory with imposing chimney, a warehouse, a block of terrace houses, police station, maybe a large mansion type building that may do as a bedlam type looney-bin... lots of ideas at the moment... time will tell...

  7. Very nice miniatures and an amazing painting work as always!

  8. Very nice, Fran keeps talking about these figures, I think he's hooked!

    1. Give it a whirl, its a lot of fun, and not too much of an investment in terms of how many figures you need to buy...

  9. Gentlemen, thank you all for your kind words. As always, its much appreciated.

  10. Scott:

    Fantastic looking figures - sculpting and your painting, of course. They look very appropriate for a Halloween game next month. Dean

  11. Awesome Crew of Gentlemen you have there! I love the Muttonchops. I think I'll grow some this winter (or try to until the lady of the household give me one of those looks...)

    1. Cheers Curt, yes a very characterful period, I am often tempted to get an interesting hat... Its a real shame men's hats fell out of fashion!
      Another thing we have in common - ladies that give us 'those looks' ! ;-)

    2. Yes, I wish 'fashionable' men's hats were more, well, in fashion. Bowlers, tophats, porkpies... all excellent 'lids'. I have quite a few but rarely wear them. Actually I've always really liked the look of a nice bicorne. Now there a hard sell...

    3. LOL, I could go with the first three you mention, but the Bicorne would be a bit of a stretch ;-)

  12. These are great! Alternative Victorian or even steampunk has always been a great pull but I was put off by what I saw as a very urban environment - all those buildings -setting it in the country solves all that! Looking forward to seeing more!

    1. Although the starting premis of this game is London of Victorian England , c1888, there is clearly a much wider setting at play... not only rural England of the period but wider Europe and beyond. I forsee my Vampires and Zendarians battling it out in the hinterland of Eastern europe, and also, those same Vampires may well land at that small parochial town of Whitby on North Yorkshires coast (following in a certain someones footsteps), and head inland, to be intercepted by the Gentlemans club... You can really go where you want with this game, and some of the bloggers imaginative twists on the factions available have been very inspiring.


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