
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dark Elves - BloodBowl

Well the NFL season has kicked off for another season, and I have rather enjoyed reading about the Laughing Ferret's -  'Ape' Bloodbowl teams exploits over here.

 It had me rummaging in the display case to grab my Dark elf team, from way back when... A couple of pics for your enjoyment:

I think I probably painted these up in the early 90's... A few mates and I started a little league which ran for a wee while, though it was really me and a mate who had a dwarf team that played each other the most. I had a star Witch Elf that could back flip and somersault her way across the board, with ease... until the swine dwarf player , played "Peaked" on her. Damn!

Fun memories... slightly different angle to next picture. The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a tiny paint chip on the knuckle of one of the linemen, I'll have to get that fixed up...

I have been a Grid-Iron NFL fan for many years, and this game was always a great way to have some Grid-Iron style action on the table top. I could be wrong but I think its one of the games that GW has relegated to "Specialist" role, and the rules are probably freely available as a download. The pitch would be easy to make, and a few range markers for throwing wouldn't be too hard to make. You might even be able to get the appropriate dice from somewhere?

In the meantime, the NFL team I have followed for years, the Miami Dolphins are probably destined for another disastrous season... we seem to have been in a period of 'rebuilding' ever since Marino retired... and this year we have a new head coach and QB, I'm not holding my breath...  


  1. Nice looking team Scott, we were watching the Denver Broncos vs Pittsburgh Steelers last night!

    1. Cheers Fran, Broncos had cracker of a game - Manning can really turn it on!

    2. Go Broncos!!! Nice figures Scott!

  2. Personally I like Bloodbowl. The variety in the teams is fantastic and these guys have some really cool figures. The Ferret is costing me money though as I keep buying figures I see on his site! I just scored some really col flying monkey's yesterday and I got a load of dwarfs a while back that should be delivered this month.

    I don't watch American football though. I'm a dyed in the wool rugby girl and their men just can't compete with mine!

    1. LOL, you'll soon have a worthy lead mountain like the rest of us.

      I used to play rugby as a school kid, and as much as I enjoyed it back then, I find gridiron more exciting to watch on TV!

    2. Rugby has cooler shirts. And that extinguishes the bulk of my knowledge of these two sports. ;)

  3. Well look at it this way Scott....yesterday, the Dolphins looked brilliant in the first 10 minutes before disaster struck. Remember those 10 minutes. It may be a LONG season!

    1. Ah yes, that astounding ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory... ;-)

  4. The Lions are always rebuilding having only won 1 playoff game in almost 55 years. Nice looking team.

    1. I can certainly sympathize, and you did get a high period when Barry Sanders was blazing his way up and down the pitch! He was fun to watch.


  5. Nice looking elves! I have fond memories of these minis- my 2nd Blood Bowl team were the dark elves, but i remember how frustrating I found it trying to come up with a way to paint their uniform- so many different parts to it.

    Glad you enjoyed the Ape reports :)

    1. Many thanks, and no worries, your reports were a joy to read :-)

  6. Bloodbowl is a great game. My absolute GW favourite (besides Space Hulk...).

    Good Luck with those well painted Elves!

    1. Yes it can be quite addictive once you get in to it!

  7. I loved BloodBowl - I have a great PC version of it, that has online play - it takes up rather more of my time than it should!

    1. Must admit I thought about getting the PC version... but I guess I am the polar opposite to you... I must resist PC games as they can suck up so much time, I'd get nothing painted! ;-)

      Go on , get a team, you know you want to! Probably easy to pick up a team ready to go on ebay... you don't need a bazillion figures either...

  8. They look great fun Scott, like Jon I must resist!


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