
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Empire of the Dead - arrives!

Well its been a while, but several weeks after placing my order, my Empire of the Dead stuff arrived. I ordered the Rule book and two factions; the Gentlemen adventurers and the Vampires, and I also got a bonus figure of Professor Erazmus.

There have been several reviews already on the web so I wont repeat them here, other than to say I am very pleased with initial look of the book and rules, and can't wait to give them a whirl and get the figures painted.

And of course start an odyssey of terrain making... Glad I ordered the Rendra Plastic Gravestones some months ago...

Things have been a little frantic here of late... With Call to Arms and the FoW tournament one week away, I've had a last minute army list choice panic, and rehashed the list several times over and start painting a new platoon thinking I was going to need them.... then changed my mind again and now don't need them, but they're now half done on the painting desk, so I may as well finish them off...

The VSF Prussians are very nearly done, and once I get CTA out of the way, I'll get them finished and have a look at opening these EOTD figure packs. Can't wait...


  1. You already have plenty of 18th C. figurines for Legends of the High Sea, sure you are not tempted by EotD by Lace Wars times?
    Pardon me -I like tricornes so much that I even suggested to play Malifaux in tricornes!

    1. I am sure that could easily be do-able to try out the rules in a different setting, and I have a spare werewolf figure from Reaper that will do very nicely.

    2. Nice link some cool models there.

  2. I'm looking forward to your painted figures and future games. I've yet to play RPG, but thinking of delving into it. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean, I have had a read through of the game rules now and its going to be very easy to grasp for anyone who's played skirmish games like LOTR SBG, LotHS, LotOW before.
      I do like the setting too!

  3. OH Brilliant - just had a look through of the factions, and the Gentlemans clubs get to form 'affiliations' - one of which is the 'Zenadarian officers club', looks exactly like Prussians! :-) I've virtually got then already done!! Woo hoo!!

  4. Sounds intriguing, with 'Prisoner of Zenda' and all!

  5. Although a school website, this site might give you some good background on the country of Ruritania (setting of 'Prisoner of Zenda'). For example, it has pictures and character notes on some of the main personalities:

    1. I hadn't made that connection, but its certainly themed for the period by the looks of it, and the art style for your page link is similar to the art work in EotD book.

  6. I'm very keen to see how you get on with this Scott. The Victorian Sci-Fi/Steam Punk genre is really in vogue at the moment and there's a host a rule sets either released or about to be released, plus there's some superb figures available..who could resist Holmes and Watson, Moriarty or The Ripper...I may be sorely tempted.

    1. I think this is going to be a blast!

      I like the mix of VSF/Steampunk and Gothic Horror... As much as I think GASLIGHT will be good for decent size skirmish battles, you do have to figure a lot out first in terms of Stats for troops, weapons and machines etc...
      With EotD we are more 'spoon fed' in terms on data, but it means you can get on playing the game that much more quickly, plus its nicely themed to smaller skirmish actions.

      And again as per LotHS and LotOW, your Faction, gains experience per mission and acrues money to buy more troops and equipment...

      I think this could be an interesting adjunct to GASLIGHT too; perhaps a small skirmish action in EotD secures an arcane artifact, that then can give a bonus to one side in a subsequent GASLIGHT battle...

      I cant wait to give it all a go... got two more Prussians done tonight which put me over half finished now out of the 25 models I am working on.

      I've got CTA FoW next weekend then I can take a little break from FoW, and give a little time to EotD & GASLIGHT...

  7. Got to say that I think it is only a matter of time before I succumb to this too; looking forward to seeing how you get on with it.

    1. I think you will find it a lot of fun, especially with your 'conundrum conveyance' and great dane :-)

  8. I reckon you could 'port' this concept to whatever setting you like... for example I also envisage something in the 'new world' .... the ACW troops I did a while back could be a US based 'gentlemans club' with a military affiliation... going up against vampires, werewolves and zombies somewhere in the backwoods of america...

  9. I may also use this range of great characterful minis to do a faction for my wife to play too; Lady Hussars- A 'Lady's Club' with Military affiliations!

  10. Looks like a bit of work ahead of you look forward to seeing the results c


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