
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

German Heavy Mortar platoon - FoW

In the run up to CTA this year, I got myself in quite a frenzy of indecision about what army list to take to the event. It's tough trying to come up with the best list that can deal with all possible situations and foes!

 I thought I had it sorted, then with a week or so to go, a last minute panic change had me ripping open a blister pack to get it done in time for the event!

 As it happened after getting it half done, I changed my mind again and took a different list, that I had everything ready for.

But no matter, I finished the platoon off anyway; 12cm Heavy Mortars for my Wehrmacht forces. No doubt they will come in useful.

The reason I wanted to take them, was that whilst my Nebelwerfers are useful cheap artillery, they haven't got the greatest punch in the world, and I got frustrated at hitting things but not killing them with the Nebs. The Heavy Mortars have nearly as a good range, as the Nebs, but a bit of a stronger hit. The downside is they don't have the smoke bombardment option...

12cm Heavy mortar platoon


Heavy mortar team

Command SMG team
They will be a useful platoon no doubt, and useable throughout the war periods.

I look forward to trying them out.


  1. The indecision of the gamer-painter and it all leads to one thing-painting up more shiny bits of metal. Nice looking figures.

    1. Thanks Anne. Yes thats one of the things with being a gamer, especially when confronted with a whole load of possible options to add on to your favoured army list... you can't help but collect them all!
      I am pondering the need to strengthen the glass shelves in my display case as they are groaning under the weight!

  2. Now of course I am biased, but any plan that involves going out and buying additional miniatures clearly has strategic value! :) They look great too, Scott.

    1. Thanks Michael. Ah yes, that strategic key; outnumber your enemy! I recall my childhood days of playing with airfix plastic toysoldiers with my mates... if you could put more down on the carpet than he could... odds on your were in for a win!

  3. Nice work and they should prove a very useful addition to your army!


    1. Thanks Chris, I'm sure they will.
      I'm looking forward to having a FoW Total War battle, where I can put all my troops on the board, rather than being restricted in choice with the small tournament battles we more normally play.

  4. Nice looking figures though am surised they can't have smoke as it was an available round.


    1. Thanks Ian. That's interesting, I'm not such a military historian to have picked up on that discrepancy.I wonder why they left it off the weapons stats???

  5. Great looking figures Scott. Very nice work on the mortars.

  6. Great looking figures! It's a bit daft that you can't have smoke rounds, but I guess its to do with, getting you to buy more figures, that new FOW trick that they've pinched off of GW!

    1. Thanks Ray. Good point, I wonder if BF have become the GW 'mini-me'? ;-)


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