
Monday, June 11, 2012

Normandy Beach - Finished - FoW

I managed to get my Beach terrain finished over the weekend, adding white wave and foam effects using Woodlands Scenics Water Effects mixed with a little white paint. With the retaining MDF strip cut away , I was then able to finish off the board, by edging with the black cloth duct tape.

I did have to use a little more white wave stuff than I wanted to at the shore line as when the main resin layer dried it had split in several places where its layer was thin. To conceal these splits I covered it in the white wave effect mix.

I guess we'll just have to imagine a rough day at the sea, with crashing waves and roaring surf... and from what I have read about the landings, on 6th June '44, the weather was still far from ideal...

Here also you can see the how the seawall sections can be added. They are on lolly (iceblock) sticks (coffee stirrers - call them what you will!) in roughly 6" lengths, so the amount of seawall and where its exit point is, can be varied.

These seawall sections will also nicely conceal the join between the beach section and the main board when placed together, side by side.

So there you have it, the beach is ready for an invasion!

I have ordered some landing craft from Skytrex, some French style buildings from Kerr & King, and have one more bunker to make to complete the defences, a 5cm kwk defilade bunker.

I hope to demo this game at Kapiti Wargames Club exhibition day on 15th July, though I hope to get a practice game in beforehand to see how the beach assault rules work from the D-Day supplement...


  1. I like the wave effect, it looks just right.

  2. I agree with the above comment. Just about perfect sea conditions. Great job!

  3. Really nice board, Scott!
    The water turned out very well and I'm keen on seeing some pictures of the finished board.

    How much of the Water Effects did you need?


    1. Thanks Monty.
      In the end I used five 500ml bottles of 'realistic water' resin to pour in the sea, layer by layer.
      The 'water effects' of the waves need only a decent squirt from the 250ml bottle and I have heaps left for other projects...

  4. Incredible. Looks like a great board to play on.

  5. The water is lovely come on in! Terrific work Scott, you must be thrilled with the results, I know I would be.

  6. That looks FANTASTIC, Scott. It really does look life-like.

  7. Very nice work, Scott! I really like your idea of using the beach wall to mask the join between the boards. Genius.

  8. Thanks guys for all your kind comments, it makes the effort all the more worthwhile.

  9. Very very effective, great work Scott!

  10. Wow! It must feel great to have completed such a large project. The results are fantastic!

    1. Thanks Jerry, yeah its been a bit of a mission alright!
      Once I get the landing craft done and the Kerr and King houses I'll be quite chuffed to put it all together.
      After that will be ton of bocage hedges to make... wish me luck!

  11. Great job on that! I'm sure the players will truly appreciate the work you put into the board. Best, Dean

  12. Excellent work Scott. Very very well done. Top marks!


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