
Monday, May 28, 2012

Pumas and SdKfz 7/2 Armoured AA halftracks

In attempts to increase the options open to my Panzer Lehr panzergrenadiers, I have added more support platoons, offering strong recce and powerful anti-aircraft assets.

First up the mobile AA.  These are armoured SdKfz 7/2 half tracks fitted with a 3.7cm anti-aircraft gun.

Being armoured gives them some resilience against routine infantry fire, and the 3.7cm gun is very effective at knocking down enemy aircraft, in the hands of skilled crews from the Lehr division.

If no aircraft show up, the gun is equally useful in shooting up light skinned vehicles and armoured cars etc. and will also give dug in infantry a head ache. So they are quite a versatile piece of kit.

In modelling terms, I drilled in a small length of brass rod, to allow the guns to swivel on the spot.

Next up the Puma, a much vaunted recce armoured car, the pinnacle of German recce troops. A fast and manoeuvrable 8 wheel design, and sporting a regular MG and a decent antitank main gun.

So once the recce role has been performed, these vehicles can be fast enough to move forward to seize objectives, or be an annoyance in the enemy rear areas perhaps shooting up and assaulting artillery positions, or adding weight of fire against enemy infantry positions.

And most enemy tanks would be wary getting these on their flanks.


  1. Two very welcome, and beautifully done, additions to your already substantial force. You seem to have most bases covered now Scott!

    1. Oh, theres a couple more 'gaps' I'd like to fill ;-)

  2. You must have quite a lot of FOW now! Always good when you can start 'adding things' onto an army ;)

  3. Fantastic work there Scott. Really like the Pumas.

  4. Thanks Guys, your feedback is always appreciated.

  5. Very nice! I love the half-tracks!

  6. Good stuff. With V3 aircraft got better and recce also got better. You got it covered by the looks. Should give you flexibility.

  7. Very nice work, Scott. Ever since I was a kid I've liked the look of those German anti-aircraft vehicles - they always seemed so lethal in their design.

    1. I know what you mean... I think all of us of a certain age, who watched war moves as a kid, and/or played with toy soldiers and tanks find certain war vehicles and images just strike a certain chord with us... the German 251 Hanomags did it for me, oh and a certain other beasties that is shortly dues its blog unveiling...


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