
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I managed to get my boxed set of Plastic Soldier Company Panther tanks finished tonight. I am quite pleased with the way they have come out.

The hulls do not have the zimmerit, but I think they look good enough as is.

As I mentioned in the earlier WIP post - I have done them as a variant A, with a few variations thrown in too!

I decided to model them as two higher command tanks, and a regular platoon of 3 tanks, as can be identified by their turret numbers.

I know the panthers often had spare track and other stowage on the turrets, but this really makes adding decals difficult! So I left the turret sides clear, and put the spare track pieces on the rear hull areas.

Decals by DOM.

Now where are those allied tanks hiding?


  1. They look really nice! Any plans to expand to a company of Panthers?

    1. A mate has bought the new "Blood, Guts and Glory" book, so I have a feeling there may be another box of these due to arrrive at 'Bowman Towers' sometime in the not do distant future...

  2. These look really good Scott. Great work.

  3. Purrrrrrrfect! Lovely looking big cats Scott; I pity the Allied troop that runs into that lot!

  4. Nice job, as always. I like the weathering. I've been lazy on some of my tanks recently, not putting the effort in to properly weather them. Tanks looks so much "heavier" when you do.


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