
Monday, April 23, 2012

More Normandy buildings - Total Battle

I just managed to finish a couple more buildings for my 15mm Normandy WWII set up.

Again they are both from Total Battle Miniatures.

First up the Cafe:

As with previous buildings from this range they do do need a bit of prep work, removing flash and trimming out excess resin, particularly inside window recesses, with a dremel etching tool. And also filling many bubble holes with greenstuff. But I hope you'll agree the effort is worth worthwhile.

The Cafe also comes with two extra pieces - a seating area and a cobbled street side area.

The other side.

Some commandos stop by for a latte!

The chimney tops have come out quite bright, I think this is a lighting effect as they are painted matt black.

Secondly, a Normandy Church

And like the cafe above, a lot of prep work was needed.

The church is actually in two parts, with the steeple coming off from the tower end of the building.

The commandos, having enjoyed their lattes, head off from the Church after a last blessing before action!

I'd like to add some more of their range to my collection, to increase my building options for my Flames of War games.


  1. Well worth the effort Scott. They have painted up really well. Very good work.

  2. I've got to say Scott, these really do look superb! A wonderful addition to any table.

  3. Excellent - they look really ... French!

  4. Two beautiful buildings, the cafe is superb, a great effort Scott!

  5. Thanks guys - I must say my little village of 4 buildings now is looking quite charming surrounded by their assorted hedges and fences. I'll try and do a battle rep featuring them all soon :-)

  6. These models look awesome! I've never heard of Total Battle Miniatures. Unfortunately when I searched their page in Google,I got a notice that the site may be compromised. This is too bad, as I'm thinking of starting a 15mm terrain collection, and these look perfect!

    Well, I shouldn't take away from the good work you've done here. Very nice paints.

    1. Here's the link Jerry
      cut and paste it into your browser.

      I got my last lot from Maelstrom but they are no longer stocking the range so if I want more I'll need to order direct...

  7. Great work Scott - they turned out very nicely. I have a bunch of their 6mm stuff for Napoleonics and they're gorgeous moulds. I spoke to the owner at Salute and he said that they had a chequered experience with resellers - this is a shame as Maelstrom allowed me to get them without the extortionist shipping & handling costs.
    - Curt (reporting from France)

    1. Yes I agree entirely, I rely so much on Maelstroms free Worldwide shipping policy for my hobby supplies. I am wondering what the Royal Mail price hike is going to do?

      I don't mind paying the price for these models, but shipping on top is the killer...
      Same with Crescent Root - nice looking resin buildings but shipping from the US is astronomical! :-(


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