
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dusky maiden

A return to my Legends of the High Seas era, with a painted civilian 'Strumpet' figure.

The model is a 28mm scale Reaper miniature, part of a set.

I have seen the model painted several times on various blogs and wargames websites featuring Pirate gaming.

She was painted as part of my entries in to the AHWPC.

I thought I would give the model a different twist, in part due to the outburst on the domestic front, my prior 'strumpet' caused (as seen above in blog header picture!)

As you can see from the side bar picture of 'Scott & Tracey', my wife is a 'dusky maiden', who took a little umbridge at me painting a blonde temptress. To be honest I had never thought twice about it - just liking the combination of colours I put together for the model...

So amends needed to be made to earn back some 'brownie points' on the home front...

Therefore thinking laterally about my main inspiration for 'piratey action', I contemplated a certain Jack Sparrow's , ahem Captain Jack Sparrow's, voyages...
So if Jack had been as far from the Caribbean as Singapore, he and other pirate and merchant captains could well have stopped off in the Indian subcontinent on the way past, and thus we have the sorry tale of Prashanthi Maduralawa, who fled from the arranged marriage that was lined up for her, and fell in love, and off to sea, with her bonnie sailor boy... but her sad tale continues as her beau loses his life in ship to ship action fighting off a pirate vessel, who take the crew prisoner, and poor Prashanthi ends up in Tortuga, having to resort to the oldest profession to make ends meet...

So a brown skinned beauty, with very OTT make up, but it had to be this gaudy to stand out against the dark skin, and to attract her clientele!

So there we have her, a nice change of pace from my recent WWII 15mm activities, and a worthy entry I hope for the AHWPC, special category of  "Sarah's choice". Sarah being Curt's wife, who is hosting the challenge.


  1. My word you live dangerously old boy! Great miniature and beautifully executed, but you have got me in such bother as I contemplate a couple of female archeologists that I have on the painting mat!

  2. Very nicely done! One imagines this might have taken quite some detailed research!

    But, seriously, the effect has worked out really well. I love the over-done make-up, which just brings her to life.

    I hope Tracey is suitably impressed!

    1. Research , er yes... "Darling, would you mind just bending forward... that's it, just hold it there a minute..." ;-)

      Yes I think I am back in the good books!

  3. I really like the color scheme. Never though painting her as an afro-caribbean. Well done mate!

    1. Many thanks, though she's actually meant to be Sri-Lankan or perhaps that would have been 'Ceylon-ese' for the time period?

  4. A great figure!!!! Great to have the figure brown skinned, Its gotta be a top contender for the lady figure of the challenge, I don't think my Fran the bear has much chance!!

    1. Thanks Ray, that's much appreciated! Lets hope so! I must say your bear had a certain 'je ne sais quoi' ;-)

  5. Nice to see you tackle some pirate stuff again Scott. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

    1. Thanks :-)
      I still want to finish off current WWII 15mm german forces; mortars, howitzers and Panthers... After that I am being pulled in several ways - do more work on my ACW figs by doing a union unit of foot, or make a start or two other periods - VSF with my 'prussians/bavarians', or WSS/SYW type stuff - so at least thats jolly ol' tricornes again :-)

  6. "Ceylon-ese"? In the olden days weren't people from Ceylon called Sinhalese or something like that?

    1. You may have a valid point! I will have to consult with her ladyship - or her ladyships mother, to go back a further generation! ;-)

    2. The Oracle has confirmed your thoughts... Sinhalese it is or er was, or still is, or whatever... ;-)


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