
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Hobbit

Despite my earlier comments in my prior blogpost, I am of course, still madly keen on Tolkiens works, and am waiting with baited breath for the next movie installment from Peter Jackson and Weta. From the above trailer, The Hobbit movie promises to be another splendid adventure for all to enjoy.

And no doubt I probably won't be able to help myself once the figures come out from GW.... I feel like an addict, they have me by the 'short and curlies'...

The nice thing about it, is its something I really have a connection with, with my young son. I introduced him to the movie at a young age ( and I still have funny memories of him just about hitting the ceiling when the Cavetroll jumped out from behind the pillar at Frodo) and he has grown up with them, and probably knows them just about word for word now, as I do...

Plus the theme of events before the time of the Lord of the Rings, has already been played out in our household.

Thanks to a Christmas present he got; the PC Game War in the North, and also a board game I picked up from Fantasy Flight a wee while ago; MiddleEarth Quest.

He's thoroughy enjoyed playing War in the North, and we've had one successful run through of the boardgame. Sauron forces commanded by myself came out on top, though I was a little unsure of the way the rules were written for end phase Finale in the game, but the issue never came up in our game. Still I'd like to find the correct version of:  "Finale- 4.Adjust diffculty (Heroes Dominant)". If anyone else has played it, give me a heads up...

Here's looking forward to more Hobbit related fun. No doubt, I may be dusting off the LOTR figures I already have as we get closer to the new movie release.

And if my blog traffic is anything to go by, other folks are interested still in playing it, as my blogpost with the greatest number of all time and recent hits, is my LOTR SBG Battlereport post I did many moons ago, see sidebar - popular posts.


  1. While the LoTR movie trilogy is wonderful and I enjoy it very much, my favorite remains the books.

    I do hope that you have introduced your son to the books as well since there is so much rich and wonderful material that could not be included in the movies.

    -- Jeff

    1. Hey Jeff, sure did. I got him a very nice cartoon version of the Hobbit story, which he loved. He's had several goes at reading The Hobbit novel, and usually gets part way in before something else distracts his young mind... He picks up LOTR too and read bits from it but I think its an intimidating book for a young reader...At the present he's started taking "Perilous Realms" to school to read in his break times...

  2. I'm glad to hear that you may not be giving up on LotR SBG after all Scott. It's a great system and except for a few notable sculpts, GW has managed to capture the look and essence of the movies quite well. I can only imagine what they have in store for The Hobbit.

    My greatest hope is that the next two movies will rekindle the fervor that was so pervasive during the heyday of the game back in the early 2000's. I miss those days terribly and look forward to having others ride the LotR "bandwagon" with me again. I also look forward to seeing more of your work in the realm of Tolkien!

    Hang on! It's gonna be a great ride!

    1. Yes no doubt I'm along for the ride... I just need to vent my frustrations with the "Evil Empire" from time to time...

  3. I have no doubt that Peter Jackson with lavish as much care and attention on this project as he did with the trilogy. If I remember correctly New Line Cinema had to sign off all the work done by Games Workshop so, like you, I shall find the release of a range of corresponding miniatures hard to resist; particularly trolls and a Smaug!

    1. Couldn't agree more Michael! Smaug is a definite, it will be interesting to see how much it differs in size, quality and pose to their existing LOTR Dragon... though cost with this beastie could be a factor...

  4. The film should be very good, can't wait, It'll be very interesting to see the GW figures and it sounds like they may just make a little dent in your wallet??

    1. Yes my wallet, and its close friend, my credit card, are already starting to whimper...

  5. Scott

    I am glad you are looking at getting back into LotR - I visit your site regularly and am always looking out for updates - keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and for following my blog :-)

  6. Have you picked up on any of the suggestions that The Hobbit will have a different game mechanism from the existing LotR game?

    1. Since you mention it I vaguely recall seeing something about the Hobbit gaming, though cant remember what exactly the rumour was...sorry!


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