
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Halftracks - 15mm Plastic Soldier Company

I finally managed to finish my plethora of Halftracks, SdKfz 251/1 Aus D, for my Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers for my Flames of War German force.

Sd Kfz 251 D

These were painted up as part of my entries into AHWPC.

They are 15mm scale plastic kits from The Plastic Soldier Company. They scale up very well with the halftracks from Battlefront, with little noticeable difference between them. The only difference being the crews and mounted MGs, which are both 'heroic' scale from BF, compared to the slender PSC ones...

They get a total of 7 crew and passenger figures for each vehicle and enough stowage options to keep you amused!

I painted them up in my 'usual' fashion, in this case - first sprayed up BFs late German armour spray 'middlestone'. Once that was dry I hand painted on the camo patterns, with a varied array of stripes and spots, using Vallejo Luftwaffe green and GW dark skin.

I then gave the whole vehicle a shading wash of a 50/50 mix of vallejo black / dark brown washes. Once this was dry the whole vehicle was given a drybrush of Foundry 30b - a dark yellow-like colour.

The tracks were quite laborious and I wonder if the effort was worth it as all you can really see is the finally heavy 'mud' dry brush... but any way these were painted GW dark skin, then dry brushed a 50/50 mix of gunmetal and dark grey. Then washed as above, and drybrushed 'mud' with vallejo camo brown.

I painted the crews and passengers seperately and added them to the half tracks as they were done. The crews first as these had to be glued into place before the 'top section' of the halftrack was glued down into place.

Next all the stowage was painted and glued on in a varied pattern so hopefully no two half tracks are the same.

Last of all, decals were added from DOMs. Polyurethane gloss varnish was used as a base for the decal. Then decal added, and left to dry. Then a wash of decal-softener was added and again left to dry. Next another layer of gloss varnish was painted over to seal the decal in place. Finally a layer of vallejo acrylic matt varnish was painted over to dull down the gloss finish.

I have done three combat platoons of 4 vehicles each; 111 to 114, 121 to 124, and 131 to 134. Next was the heavy platoon which will carry the MG42 teams, 141 to 143. Next up was the PaK40 platoon, 211 to 214, and finally a single command vehicle 221 which will be in command of a infantry gun platoon or mortar platoon...

So thats them all done now. I can look forward to officially including them in some future FoW battle reports.

So now I can press on with more reinforcements for my Germans, I have just about finished the HMG platoon, and have made a start on the PaK40 platoon.


  1. They look fantastic great paint job thanks for detailing your technique as well

    1. Thanks John, glad you liked them, and you're welcome.

  2. They look really nice bud, good work. Looking at them makes me want to do a Panzer Lehr army, but with so many projects on the go I really can't fit them in, can I........

    1. Panzer Lehr was one of my inspirations for doing these guys... go on, you know you want to! ;-)

  3. Outstanding! It's when you see them altogether like this that you think, 'Yep, all that fiddly detailing was worth it.'

  4. Excellent work and what a lot of vehicles!


  5. These look really great! Nice work!

  6. Again, lovely stuff, Scott. Thanks for sending them in - they are a treat.


  7. Hi there what color did you paint the infantry in.

  8. I'm having some trouble trying to get the collie for German infantry. I used vallejo 830 an mine seemed a lot more greener than yours. Can you tell me what colour you used for the German uniforms and helmet. Thanks.

    1. I do use the 830 for uniforms and 979 for helmets, but I then wash both in a 50/50 mix of vallejo sepia and black washes. Once dry I then bring the original colours back up as a highlight. Hope this helps.

  9. Ops Scott didn't realize I had asked this question on your blog before =).


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