
Sunday, July 03, 2011

More horticulture - bamboo

More horticultural work continued this week, and I have completed three copses of bamboo, along with more jungle flora clumps.

There's about enough now to cover a 2' x 4' area as you can see, and its used up about half the plants I bought.

I still am awaiting delivery of a whole bunch of plastic palm trees I bought for model railway use from a Chinese based ebay trader, so fingers crossed they arrive OK!

The bamboo, again was on 3mm mdf bases, which were covered in a layer of DAS sculpting clay. This gave some depth to insert the bamboo trees into. The bamboo was just wooden BBQ skewers painted green, and then woodlands-scenics clump foliage hot glue gunned on. Then bases were then flocked with the tea leaves and green static grass as before.

I'll wait till the palm trees arrive now before doing more.

I have now gone back to doing the governors mansion. I have added the cornice large brickwork and have added the front and rear arched doorways. If I get time today I'll add chimneys and start cladding roof.

Still awaiting some ships supplies from Games-of-War to finish fitting out my Brig, then that will be done as well.


  1. Looking good Scott. The bamboo came out really well.

  2. Really nice! You need some canibals now to go along with the forest!

  3. Thanks Guys
    I think I may have found some suitable cannibals at Brigade miniatures - in their Caribbean empire range...


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