
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Port Guard Tower

A little bit of effort this week has seen me finish my Port Guard Tower. The basis of this tower has been kicking round my games-room for a couple years...started but unloved and left... It was originally going to be the front tower of an ECW church I was planning on making. It then got tweaked a while back by sloping the top battlement edges, in a Lord of the Rings Helm Deep style. But having played through those Helms Deep scenarios already, I found the tower still unused, and the body of the church has already been converted to the Gondorian building I did, shown in a prior blog post.

So the tower still sat forlornly looking at me.

Then I started the Governors mansion. I am still part way through this. I started adding the big corner stones to the Mansion, and glanced at tower and thought I can do the same there. What's better, I can finish the tower quicker than the mansion, just to check it will look OK once finished. So I pressed on and completed the tower.

I even added a little flag-holder so I can raise the colours and show which country the port belongs to.

Sadly looks like that notorious rascally pirate captain has already sneaked in and overwhelmed the guard, no doubt by some nocturnal trickery! They now fly the Jolly Roger to show all is clear for the rest of the ships company to come and sack the town!

Enjoy the pictures...

This weekend I also had a trip down to the local Spotlight store (a giant haberdashery and craft store here in NZ for the international viewers of this blog) and grabbed several items to make some more scenic items.

I got some more of the plastic mesh grid (used for crochet I think) for window making and ships cargo grates.
I also got a finer mesh that may do for lead-light windows.
In addition I got some material for making wedding dress veils, this I plan to use to make fishing nets, hung on the docks for repair.
The packet of ubiquitous matchsticks, and and bunch of lucky charm type items to add interesting effects to ships and buildings.
Sadly I didn't find what I was really hoping for , some dolphins or cherubs to make a coat of arms type crest for the Mansion.
I'll still have to keep hunting for something suitable.

After that a visit to the local aquarium shop netted me a whole pile of plastic plants to make jungle terrain. Finally a trip to Macks Track to grab some clump foliage. I am going to use this to make bamboo trees, out of wooden BBQ skewers, painted green with horizontal stripes.

I am still trying to track down a supplier of Palm trees for this NZ based customer... I may think about making my own...

So lots to do. So what am I doing sitting here typing this...? ;-)

Must press on.



  1. Good shopping Scott. Spotlight is a great place for "odds and sods". Tower looks impressive too, well done.

  2. Nice work on the tower. I'm also thinking of doing jungle terrain for some upcoming projects. So I'll be watching for what you come up with so that I can shamelessly copy you!

  3. Thanks Guys.
    Feel free Jerry, the first batch of jungle vegetation is done. I'll hopefully get some pics up in next day or so once it fully dries.

  4. Scott, have you checked out the Pegasus palm trees? Google it. Caliver Books stocks them in their scenery category as a potentially post free (if you spend more than 15 quid)source.

  5. Thanks Nathan, I'll have a look at those.


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