
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Black Powder & Perry Miniatures

Many moons ago it now seems, I began collecting a Napoleonic British army, to enjoy some gaming with a local gaming circle. The rule set of choice at the time was General de Brigade. At this time I managed to collect and paint one battalion of British Line infantry, 3 pieces of foot artillery, and a General with a couple of Brigade commanders. Unfortunately the level of gaming did not amount to much, and I found the rules a little "clunky". It seemed you needed to pass a morale test to just about do anything in the game...
I typically noted that a great deal of time would be spent setting up the game, and then the slow slog across the board commenced... Usually after several hours, the two opposing forces were just about to get to grips with each other, when we ran out of time and it was time to pack up. Not good.
My interest in the period fizzled out, and I went other ways.

Now, after some time, another rule set has been released, that has its roots in Warmaster, which I enjoyed for many years. If you hadn't guessed, it is Black Powder.
I have to say, after a couple of games, I am quite thrilled with it.

The first game gave me an idea of it, the second I got it, and got to grips with the differences and similarities to Warmaster, and the third I am fully up an running :-)

It is a tremendously fast moving and fun game, designed ideally for large armies of 28mm figs, on a big board. Normally within a turn or two, you can be right into the action, and fast and furious it can be.

It has plenty of period flavour and doesn't get bogged down in pedantic movements, or endless morale issues.

Here's a link to more about the game.

It has opened up Napoleonics for me again, and the whole Horse and Musket period.

Now the problem is for a pretty much newbie to Horse & Musket, is getting those big armies ready. Thankfully, thanks in part to new advances in hard plastic figures over the last few years, a large army need not cost you an arm and a leg ;-)

Thanks to folks like the Perry's with their sets of plastic figures, and brigade deals from Warlord games, a sizable army is within reach for most gamers I feel. The only downside, may be the time to get it all painted!

Still, I have firmly dipped my toe again and ordered a box each of Perry's Napoleonic British Line and of ACW infantry and cavalry. It was only after placing this first tentative order, that I found the brigades deals available from Warlord, so I then ordered a brigade of Napoleonic British Line and ACW Infantry.

(The box of Brits says 14 figures! Must be a misprint as there's 36 in there!)

Well there's commitment if every I saw it!

I only need to juggle some painting space and time, from the masses of Lord of the Rings figures I am still painting; more Perry plastics in part ! ;-)

I think I may try and alternate a box from each period in turn. Its not going to be quick, but my forces will slowly grow and I'll be able to add them to allied players forces for multi-player games. I can't wait.

When's the next stoush!?


  1. Might I suggest that for the ACW armies, you consider the Army Painter method? By all accounts, it is an extremely rapid way of painting, and for a Confederate army in particular, it seems very well suited to give good results.

  2. I had considered this kind of approach, and I have found using the 50/50 mix of Devlan Mud & Badab Black gives a very nice all round shade to virtually all colours, so will probably stick with this. I may even forgo painting the eyes! I did read some where that army painter was like painting on a coloured varnish, one blogger comment he had to shake off the excess against a sheet, otherwise it could dry too thick and wreck model. It seemed messy and sticky and unpleasant clean up after wards!

  3. Apparently the trick is to PAINT it on, not DIP it. I've got a Meeples and Miniatures podcast file here which describes the technique very well.


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