
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Morannon Orcs

I finally finished off my set of 24 Morannon Orcs, part of which saw their first action at the recent Call to Arms Event as previously featured...

Here's the 24 finally done... I have kept their tunics largely red throughout, to make them standout as Morannons, compared to the regular orc soldiery... the next batch of Morannons I do I may add in more varied browns and grays to break up the red...

I also just managed to finish off the Morannon Command set, and an extra pair of Morannon Orc Commanders...

I don't normally add blood to blades as its so easily over done, but this orc has clearly just chopped off someones head so it seemed appropriate...

The Orc captain who welcomes the three hunters to the docks at Harlond... "Come on you sea rats, get off your ships..."...

Morannon Orc Shaman...

Another captain...

...and banner bearer...

So here's the Full set of command and troops...

And of course, I'll have to add Gothmog to the scene... I painted him some time ago and in a more vibrant style, so I guess he stands out more now as the overall commander... seems appropriate :)

Come on if you think you're hard enough! ;-)

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Gondor Reinforcements - Pippin Guard of the Citadel, and Mounted Banner Bearer.

In the lead up to Chris and I attending Call to Arms this year, there were a few army choices to be made...

For Chris's Gondor force, we decided to add the Mounted Banner bearer to his force of mounted knights, for that all so useful melee re-roll, especially when the knights could be operating off on a flank, away from  the army centre, where the main army Banner would be.

When I selected the banner bearer from my horde-of-unpainted-miniatures stash (we've all got one right?)... I also noticed Pippin in the livery of a Guard of the Citadel.

I couldn't resist painting him up at the same time...

He didn't make the cut for the army list, but he's a great little figure all the same, hard to resist... enjoy the pics...